Advice about hubby's career

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  • Sara B.

    Hubby interviewed for a major company this afternoon and got the job offer!  Now, here’s the conundrum: His current company has been thinking about his recent application for another job within that same company.  But they’ve been super-slow about it.  Job offer today would pay a little more than the new one at current company, give or take a few differences in how benefits work, etc.  There are, of course, pros and cons to each.  He wants to let his current employer know about the new offer and give them a quick chance to respond (they don’t like losing people).  However, it’s the weekend.  He won’t be back in the office till Monday, and by then, it’s been a few days since the offer.  Really pushing it, kwim?

    Thoughts?  Advice?

    Thanks, all!

    Sara  🙂


    Can he call his boss to let him know?  I agree if he wants to keep him current company time he should go ahead and let them know before the weekend.

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