Advice about flowers…

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  • Tia

    My girls want to plant some flowers this Spring.  I am waiting until Mother’s Day to be safe from Mr. Jack Frost.  🙂  In the meantime, I’m trying to get a good idea of what to have them plant.  I am going to give them pots in which to plant them and we’ll place them on the back deck. The deck is on the East side of the house and gets a fair amount of morning sun, but in the heat of the summer (when the sun is overhead), it can be hot back there.  In the late afternoon/early evening, it is shaded by the house.

    I am NOT good with flowers (although, I DID keep geraniums alive for a whole summer last year!), so I’m seeking advice from those with greener thumbs than I have.  Any suggestions?


    We have found petunias and marigolds particularly easy to keep alive in the described environment  🙂 


    Zinnias are an annual that come in many colors and many varieties – throw the seed in a pot or in the ground cover lightly with soil, keep watered and you will have flowers throughout the summer – loely things they are and a cinch to grow. Don’t forget the giant sunflowers either or even the smaller ones, also really easy to grow and make seeds for the birds.  Get a small pot and some compost and then place a bean or a pea in it – keep watered and watch them grow in nice little plants as well – if you want a crop, plant them in the yard in rows if you have room.  Linda

    If you plant in a pot, when the seedling come up and have their leaves, thin them out a bit so they have room to grow.  Linda


    Thanks ladies!

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