Adjust the order in which assignments show up on the daily plan

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  • audreyemills

    Hi, i am new to the digital organizer. I need to adjust the order in which assignments show up on our daily plan according to our daily routine. How can I do that? Thanks!

    Jordan Smith

    Thanks for using the CM Organizer! Right now there is not a way to rearrange the subjects on your Daily Plan. They are sorted alphabetically by subject name.

    We know that it would be great to be able to arrange your Daily Plan based on the order you plan to do each subject during your school day. That idea is on our wish list of features to consider adding in the future.


    Thanks for your quick response! What number is this on the wish list of features to consider adding in the future? How many items transferred from the wish list to reality for the cm digital organizer in 2023? Just getting a feel for how high a priority innovation for the digital organizer is to cm right now. Seems like steady maintenance is ongoing, so that’s great. And it seems like CMs focus for innovation is in other areas for the time being. Is that a fairly accurate assessment?

    Jordan Smith

    It’s difficult to put a number of where this is on the order of priority on our wish list, because we evaluate our wish list more in terms of difficulty to add, cost to add, and how much impact it will have on the people who use the CM Organizer. So it’s not a straight-up list of what’s in order to happen next, if that makes sense.

    We haven’t added new features from the wish list in the past year because, as you noticed, our focus has been on many other projects right now—there are a lot of exciting irons in the fire that we’re prioritizing right now. We do continue to do security and maintenance updates to keep everything running smoothly.


    Thank you for explaining! It makes sense that a lot of factors would go into determining the implementation of features on the list.  How difficult/costly would it be to implement the type of sorting ability I’m talking about on a scale of 1-5?

    I wonder if people would be open to raising the cost of the upgraded membership around $20/year in order to cover the expense of updates? This feature alone would be worth that to me.  I’m sure there are others who agree. Now I’m curious about the projects that are exciting to the CM staff right now… Thanks again!


    Jordan Smith

    Again, it’s hard to put a difficulty scale on it. Often things that sound simple end up becoming more complex behind the scenes when we start determining how it’s going to work.

    For example, here’s a question that you can answer to help us think about how that feature should work, which also illustrates some of the hidden complexity: Would you want to be able to set a custom order for the Daily Plan subjects that is the same each week, or would you need that to be flexible and allow for a different order for each day?

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