Adding TOG resources in the CM Organizer

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  • Sonya Shafer

    I was just corresponding with a mom who uses Tapestry of Grace’s curriculum. She was concerned about possibly violating their copyright notice by entering their curriculum as added resources in the CM Organizer. Here is our conversation, which she thought might be helpful to post here:

    Hello. I am planning to use Tapesty of Grace this fall, which involves a day by day variable reading list of our chosen books in various subject categories. And I want to use the SCM Organizer again this year (used it last year and loved it).

    However there is a dilema — I was planning to enter each individual reading assignment under it’s assigned subject title — this would work fine for our family. The dilema is — if I enter these lists / details I would be violating the Copyright laws for Tapesty of Grace because essentially I would be making their “curruculum” and booklists and assignments public for all 4 levels of learning (Lower grammar, upper grammar, dialectic,a dn rhetoric). They are very aggressively protective of this info, as it “is” their product (the curriculum).

    So, my question is — is there a way for me to enter in all of these plans and then choose NOT to make them public. In other words, no one else would be able to “see” these particular lists when searching the SCM / Organizer site ??

    My reply:

    Thank you for being sensitive about copyright

    laws. All of your added resources stay private. You are able to see

    your added resources in the Bookfinder searches if you’re logged in,

    but no one else can see them.

    Sometimes I look through newly added resources to find any that I

    think would be helpful to add to the Bookfinder for everyone to use.

    I’ll make a note not to make public any TOG-specific entries. So you

    should be all set. Thanks so much for bringing it to my attention.

    Her response:

    WONDERFUL NEWS !! Thank you. I was getting worried about making their

    curriculum public. I will label them TOG and then any subject sub-divisions

    in the title, so if you see TOG, please do not move it to the Master

    (public) list. You might consider putting this policy for entries on the

    Forum and in the intro/demo somewhere because I know of several TOG users

    who had considered using the SCM Organizer but were concerned that in

    listing their plans they would violate the copyright laws.

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