Adding to Divisions After the Fact

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  • turtlemama

    This was our first week with the SCM Organizer in action.  Most accounts are positive; however, I’m having a few issues that I can’t seem to work out and need some assistance.  Could someone tell me the easiest way to add to/ or amend divisions to a resource after the fact?  I can already see that I will frequently want to go and amend a list of poetry readings, for example, and not have to completely redo the entire list from scratch.  When I go to “edit” the resource I only get to the screen allowing me to change the scheduling of the resource and can’t figure out how to get to the divisions to alter them.

    I know there must be a way.  What is it?


    Thanks!  Sarah 

    Sonya Shafer

    To edit the resource’s divisions, you’ll need to go to the resource itself. To get there, you can click the title of the resource, click “View Resource,” or go to your Account (upper right corner of the screen) and click on Resources, where you’ll find a list of your added resources. Once you’re viewing the resource, you should see an “edit” there that will allow you to change the resource itself and its divisions.

    Now, if that resource is already on your Daily Plan, the revised divisions won’t just show up. You’ll need to tell the Organizer that you want to use that revised version for the one already in the Daily Plan. (It’s not automatic, because some moms like to use the same resource in two different ways for two different children.) Once you’ve made the division changes, go to your Daily Plan and click Edit Schedule for that resource. It will pop that title back into the Scheduler, where you should see your revised divisions showing up. Just change the “Use chapters (or lessons or whatever)” field to reflect which divisions you want to use and save your changes. That should do it.

    Let me know if this description is as clear as mud. Smile


    Little murky, but I’m sure it will make more since when I actually try it.  I’ll get back to you if I still have trouble.  Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.



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