Adding in PE and other non-regular events

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education CM Organizer Adding in PE and other non-regular events

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  • sharolyn

    I was just wondering how each of you track PE . . . specifically things like swim lessons or softball practice.  Would you list each activity as a resource and then have divisions for the number of lessons/games you anticipate?  If there are more games or unexpected practices can you add them in?  It seems once a resource is created you can’t really edit the divisions without deleting it and rescheduling it. 

    OR do you have a resource listed as Physical Education with more than enough divisions for the year/term and simply record in the notes which activity it was?

    Rachel White

    I have a simple PE resource listed daily; on the notes next to it, I write down what type it was that day and check worked on only.



    For Swim Lesson, I created a resource, including the Badge Name.   Now, at our YMCA, you have continual registration through the year, and the kids move up when they pass the badge, and continue on – so what I’ve done works pretty good.

    So as we are using the YMCA, I have a resource settup called something like

    Swim Lessons – Otter Level,  Swim Lessons – Seal Level. 

    I have them set to no divisions – and everytime my kids go to a swim lesson, I mark it as “Worked On”.  When they pass the badge, I mark it complete.  I have the next badge level setup ahead of time, set to start when the previous badge is completed…

    I did something similar for our music lessons, although I have it broken into a couple of resources…

    I have a “Violin Lessons – Suzuki Book 1”.   and a “Violin Practice – Suzuki Book 1”  I have each song listed under the divisions.   They are setup to be worked on at the same time…   Lessons are setup on lesson days, practices on other days.  The song is marked as “worked on” until the teacher changes it from the main new song to a working song, and there is a new main song.  Mind you, sometimes my kids are working on 2 new songs at once… just to make it difficult….   This is an area I’d like to see improvements on, but am thinking very carefully on what I would want the organizer to do for me.

    For field-trips, I guess a certain number in a year – schedule them on an “off” day (Sunday, I think) – and didn’t put in the details on the divisions.  When we do a field trip, I slip into the field trip resource, add in the details, and set it up in the scheduler, then mark it as done.  That way it is listed like other resources instead of in notes…   I have 2 types of field trips – Music related ones, and other ones…  mainly because we do various Suzuki workshops, trips to the symphony, playing before the symphony, etc – and I want those showing up in the music area.   In future years I might setup a few field-trip categories….

    Hope this helps a bit!


    It seems once a resource is created you can’t really edit the divisions without deleting it and rescheduling it.

    Just wanted to add a bit – yes you can do some editing of the divisions without deleting it and rescheduling it – but I find you need to be careful you don’t change a division you have already marked a student as complete in (not sure about worked on) without it looking a bit funny – as the reports will show (if I remember correctly) the information that was there WHEN you completed it for the items you completed.

    However, you can from the scheduler page (or the added resources page) just click on the name of the resource, THEN select edit.  Add in new resources, or add in titles to unnamed divisions.   Just select to save it.  Now there is one more little thing I found you need to do for it to show up in a resource that is already scheduled for a person.  Go to the scheduler and click edit.  Make sure any new divisions are included in the list of scheduled items, and save it.

    As mentioned in my response above – that is how I deal with field trips etc, so I have the info in the divisions, even though I don’t know them ahead of time.


    Under the subject of Physical Education I would schedule each separate activity your student is involved in. Under the activity I would schedule the divison as day or practice or game or whatever you want to label it. I list each practice, game, etc. separately.


    And yes, you can go back to your resource and change things. Just click on your resource title and hit the edit button. Then you need to update it in your schedule by hitting the edit button under the resource on your daily schedule. The first edit edits your resource. The second edit edits your assignment of that resource.


    I simply have a resource called PE & Outdoor Exploration. If the kids go out to play anything at  all, I check it off. I don’t note specifics like bike riding, jump roping, etc.

    For things that involve lessons (piano, horseback riding & golf at our house), I enter a resource titled “Piano Lesson” with monthly divisions. I check worked on each time a child completes a lesson that month and finished on the last lesson day of the month. I don’t worry about putting in specifics like book levels or skills learned. I also use this method for piano practice & chores.

    For other things like Field Trips, I guess at a number of divisions and then just enter details in the notes section for that particular trip. I use this for library and misc. books, too. I have a category titled, “Really Good Books” and just use the notes section to list title/author.

    Everyone is different in the amount of detail they want to keep, but I like simplicity Smile



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