We’re 7 lessons into SCM’s Module 6. I’m wondering how you all go about adding in an extra book or two. I have a book about Gettysburg/Civil War/Lincoln that I’d like to read aloud to my younger girls (the 9yo will probably listen, too). But if I take “class time” to read it, we’ll be a day or two or three (it’s a longer picture book) “behind”.
Does that matter?? This is my first experience with a history curriculum that’s already planned out day by day.
We’ve fit some books in place of our literature book or just read some at bedtime or meal/snack times. I don’t like cramming too many read alouds in during school hours and have found it works best to fit it in another part of our day.
I LOVE audio books! They have really helped us fit in some books that I would otherwise not have time to read and so many of them you can find on this site: