Adding american history to SCM year 1?

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  • Alicia Hart

    I am trying to figure out a way to add American History to our SCM year 1 schedule. Or even if I want to do that.

    My 6 yr old would really enjoy the Du’laire books so much but would probably still enjoy them just as much as if I waited until SCM year 6, when he is 12

    I remember someone saying, maybe it was Sonya, that a living book is enjoyed by ALL ages.

    I had planned on reading This is Our Country over the next couple of years.

    Any thoughts?


    We are reading A Child’s First Book of American History and the D’Aulaire books along with our Module. We just read them to enjoy but count it towards our history studies.


    Do you have an older child already doing history?   If not – there is no reason you have to start with Module 1.  You could choose to start with Module 5, where American History Starts…


    We started with Module 5, 1st grade for my oldest, last year and really enjoyed. It is my understanding that you do not have to start with #1 because if you have more than one child at some point thre is a BIG chance that your younger ones will not start with year 1 any way.


    I also started with Module 5 when I started homeschooling, mostly because that was the history that I was most comfortable teaching and most interested in learning more about.

    Last year we did Module 6, and now we are going back to 1.


    You could add some American history books for that age to a book basket for free reading. Or, take a break from Mod 1 occasionally to read a few American history books for say Thanksgiving, Columbus Day, Presidents’ Day, 4th of July, etc.


    for American History, we are just adding in some books on Colonial times, books about our state, field trips to National Parks, President Names, etc….I am also doing SCM Mod 1, but I’m keeping American History totally seperate, light, and only 1-2 times per week. I won’t do an extensive timeline study until SCM Mod 5.


    I would add for free. Reading fun and enjoyment but wouldn’t add to the curriculum with those ages.

    Alicia Hart

    Great ideas, all! Thanks very much. It is so helpful to be able to bounce ideas off like minded hs moms…..helps to think through all the options.

    I enjoyed all the responses

    I have several young kids so I think that I will just keep American history light and on a yearly rotation except for during modules 5/6.

    Problem solved!

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