Adding a book, but just odd chapters

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  • I was fortunate enough to be given the complete set of Beacon Lights of History, and obviously at this point in our HS we don’t have time to read all the volumes, so I would like to pick and choose.  Can I add the books to the organizer and then just put in random chapters from each volume that I want read, will this work?  I could try it, but I thought someone might have the answer and be able to save me some time.  Thanks – Linda


    Yes, you can just select which chapters you want to read – I did that with Aesop’s Fables, and it was quite a list because there would be 3 or 4 in a row to read, then skip a few, then read 1, etc…   The organizer handles it great.

    Thanks so much, then I will set to and enter the books.  I appreciate it.  Linda

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