We did the ACT, not accuplacer… But it sure was a good experience for us. A good confidence booster… Good validation, good reality social experience just to understand what her peers were experiencing… For our oldest. Second (son) didn’t do it… Kind of wishes he had… But he had some other very unique and valuable experiences instead. I’m not so sure the social aspect will be a good thing for our next up. 😉 We’ll do online only with her to start.
He/she might want to consider what courses she could Clep as well, so you get the biggest bang for your “buck”. Then you can use the professors for the classes where they are most needed (I.e. math, speech, or “nursing 101” instead of psychology, maybe).
Yes, anniepeter,I agree. However, the school he really wants to attend-Liberty University- will not tell us what CLEP they accept until we have applied. I’m planning to do that this next month, but the application fee is $250 and until then I feel like I can’t get all of my questions answered.
Actually, I was wrong. It is a $40 fee to apply. That’s great. I misunderstood the fee structure. The $250 is for when a student confirms acceptance. Sorry to misrepresent what they require. $40 application fee is much more doable.
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