We’ve really struggled this year finding our groove, we started out using MP’s lesson plans, but it was too much writing for my Ds. We dropped it and I really need a little help deciding what to do to finish out this year. We also do classical conversations memory work AT HOME. I’m considering just letting him finish out the year reading the picture books/short chapter books that we have on Ancient history. He’ll be reading/listening to SOTW vol.1 over the summer as well. We would move on to the MA and RR in the fall. Or, I was thinking of just doing what I can to finish this year and restarting ancients in the fall. I would love some thoughts on the subject and i’m definitely praying for guidance. Thanks for any thoughts!!
I’d love to help, but although I’m fairly fluent in acronyms, I don’t recognize some you’ve used…
MP’s lesson plans?
MA and RR?
Either thing you have suggested (finishing the year with picture/short books and moving on OR finishing what you can, and restarting ancients) could work out well…. I’d be tempted to move on myself…
Guessing that MA=Middle Ages and RR= Renaissance and Reformation here is my advice:
Go for the picture books/short chapter books for Ancients to finish out this year. Next year move on to Middle Ages! The nice thing is he will cover this time period again eventually and be able to read books he missed this year (or even better ones for older ages!).
And a thought – depending on the public school a child attends these days kids do not even do history all year, so don’t feel you need to. They may do semesters so history is half a year and science is half a year, or units where each month changes (one history, one literature, one science or health, etc. We usually do history all year but science is one we usually do in seasons with breaks in between.
Thank you, thank you, thank you ladies, i’ve really been praying about moving on, i’m hoping that reading about knights, castles and damsels in distress will awaken his love of history or at least he’ll tolerate it.
Suzukimom–i’m so sorry about the acronyms MP=Memoria Press, MA=middle ages, RR=Renaissance and reformation.