A Writing Project at my house


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  • Tristan

    I know many people have asked about Brave Writer materials and how they work, especially coming from a CM perspective.  We’ve found the methods to fit very well and have a heavy CM influence.  Today I share on my blog how that method played out over the last month with my 8th grader, including what she did each week of the process and her final product.  I hope my post helps someone!


    Thank you for sharing the process of using Brave Writer. She did an amazing job!

    Katrina in AK

    This was very fun to read. I really appreciate your emphasis on quality over quantity. I am impatient and want mire results right. now. But that isn’t really the way.


    Oh how satisfying! She really did a great job.

    I started Brave Writer with my kids a few weeks ago. I really got it for my 6th grader, but my older two LOVE it too. I also love the way it has changed my thinking about writing and teaching it.

    We’re a week into the Island chain or Continent project. They are having so much fun, and my writing “hater” isn’t complaining a bit any more. He’s very excited about “writing lessons”–a miracle!

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