A wonderful group

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  • pianogirl363

    I just wanted to say a big “thank you” to each one of you for making this such a great homeschooling forum. I feel like I could come to this group with a question about pretty much anything and would not only receive real, honest advice, but encouragement, support, prayers and well thought-out responses. I never feel like the time spent here is wasted.

    I truly value the community we have here and just wanted to let you know that even though I don’t post very often, I read most of the posts and glean so much from you all. . 

    Thank you!



    I feel the same way about it.  We would love to hear from you more often, Anna.  What are the ages of your children?


    Thanks, Sarah. I don’t post that often because I feel like I am still learning about homeschooling myself, in many ways! 🙂

    Our children are 7, 5, 3, and 1. 



    I agree with you pianogirl363. I have felt very welcomed because of the very encouraging kind and truthful responses I have recieved to all my recent posts. this really is a great forum. Thankyou SCM!

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