I have a suspicion my son may have a gluten intolerance. I mill my own flour and only have hard white and hard red on hand…however a friend gave me a bag of Kamut. Can I make bread flour with Kamut? I want to give my son a couple of gluten free days as an experiment to see if it makes a difference in his behavior.
I’ve started looking into this a bit myself (another Heather!). I found this website with great pics and tips even though I don’t like or agree with where the lady is coming from, it’s even in the website title. I have tried the banana cake and carrot cake and they were so good! (but she does use sugar). http://glutenfreegoddess.blogspot.com/2009/04/gluten-free-cheat-sheet-how-to-go-g.html
Kamut is a grain like wheat and there is gluten in it. although if he is not truly allergic and just sensitive sometimes switching up with different grains helps a little for a little while. Do you have any brown rice you can grind, or buckwheat? (buckwheat pancakes topped with almond butter and honey are good) .
oh, also, http://www.heavenlyhomemaker.com (whom I really like who she is and where she is coming from – she homeschools. 😉 does have some gluten-free recipes. the chewy granola bars are a favorite I make every week.
I do have brown rice…about 50 lbs of it in fact! Can I make bread with rice flour?? The kids usually eat their PB&J staple for lunch everyday, which is why I’m asking about the loaf bread, other than that I do make muffins, cornbread, biscuits and pancakes. Is rice flour good for those things too?
Thanks for the websites. I’ll definitely check those out!
It is good for several of those – be aware that the rice four cannot be substituted straight across for wheat. It has to be mixed with starches. A good resource for an all purpose rice flour blend is from the magazine/website called Living Without.
I will tell you if you really want to know if it’s a glueten thing it will take his body an entire month for him to adjust and REALLY be able to tell if it’s that. Also you will need to fully take away everything or you will not know. Keep in mind the weird places glueten will show up – hot dogs, chips, ketchup, etc. Just wanted you to know that a couple days will not be enough to tell. Misty
Also, if you are truly intolerant, you cannot mill gluten free grains in the same mill as the wheat. I sold my mill when my son and I were diagnosed with celiac. I had been milling wheat for 8 years when that happened.
I don’t even eat bread anymore. It is not very economical to make your own gluten free breads. There are so many different combinations of flours for each recipe. It became too complicated and costly. If we do have a hankering for something baked, we either buy a mix, or buy already made bread, or I bake goods out of almond flour which is alot easier. I have not found much that will ever resemble real bread again. I have adjusted. It takes a while. Hope this helps. Betty
You can make GF bread out of rice flour, but you’ll have to mix it with other GF flours. Bob’s Red Mill makes a GF All-Purpose flour blend that’s mostly garbanzo and fava bean flour. You can easily mill your own bean flours too. We use white and brown rice flour in combination with potato starch, sorghum flour, and cornstarch to make a yummy GF pizza crust.
You can PM me if you have any other questions. We’re slowly but surely figuring out how to bake gluten-free.
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