Hey everybody! I’m new to this forum and I hate to ask such a personal question right off, but it’s something that’s been bothering me for a while and I’d just like to hear what other moms have to say about it. I’ll try to be as discrete as possible.
When my children were younger they always took naps and it wasn’t much of an issue. Now they’re older and are used to having unfettered access to my DH and me. Often times at night we’re both just exhausted, so my DH may come to me in the middle of the day (he works from home). I hate to turn him away but the children are older – 13, 11, & 9 – and starting to get curious! Which brings up the subject of how to talk with them about this. Charlotte never discussed issues like this in her books!
Please tell me I’m not the only one to wrestle with this issue… 🙂
Well, a quiet time could help. But that can also feel squirrely because it’s so, well, quiet in the house. So a movie time or just a time where they go off (way off :)) and play together could work. As for what to tell them, we tell our children that Daddy’s and Mommy’s marriage is very, very important to God and so we must have times where we are working on our marriage alone. This has been in response to questions about why is the door closed (when it’s usually open) when we’re both in there or why are we going away alone for the weekend. We are also in the habit of having times where we are closed up in our room talking, so it’s not too much of a stretch for the children to understand without getting too much info.
I like what James Dobson says: The best thing you can do for your marriage?/family?/children? (can’t remember the exact quote) is put a lock on your bedroom door.
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