A little stressed about Module 6 and substituting, etc. help please:)

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  • amama5

    We finished Module 5, and it went really well, it was my first full year of CM/SCM.  I have to use library books due to our budget, so sometimes had to substitute, or read a book later than scheduled, which I should mention is really out of my comfort zone as I’m such a black and white person, and like everything neatly boxes:)  However, I’m afraid this next Module is too much out of my comfort zone, and I’m just feeling overwhelmed and wanted advice, or maybe suggestions on something else to do.  I had written down all the books for Mod. 6, looked them all up at the library and figured out which ones aren’t available, or which ones have 17 users on hold for one copy:)  Most of those books were available, there would still be a lot of substituting because of limited copies and other moms that must use the same curriculum, or sonlight, etc.  Then SCM changed the booklist, so I wrote all the new ones down, and realized hardly any of them are going to be easy to get, almost none of them will I get at the right time.  There also isn’t a guide book yet, which I really like having in my hands (and it won’t help me anyways if I’m having to substitute books). 

    So I understand breaking down a book by counting all the chapters, or pages, then dividing by the number of weeks to get it done, but how do I do that with so many books?  Do I just look them all up and find out how many pages, then try to figure out a reasonable amount of time to get done?  How do I find substitutions for so many books at a time?  One or two was fine, but there is a LOT of reading in Mod.6.   My son will be 8 and is doing really well with copywork so I think we need to start transcription, so I’m just feeling overwhelmed with how to spend my planning time right now during our break before we start again, especially without the guide book (did I mention I really like having that in my hands?:).  Talk me out of selling lots of stuff to buy a ready made curriculum! 

    Sorry that was so long, hope it made sense, thanks!



    Could you divide your reading list into topics and plan the reading around a certain time frame or limit based on what resources you do have or have access to?  After you see how many topics you have and how in depth you want to go with those resources, you can then make your plan for a term – then break it down by topic, amount you want done, days, etc…

    I haven’t done Mod 6, so am not sure my response even will make sense, either. 😉



    Something to remember…he’s 8. You’ll get to go through this module again with the guide. Maybe just find the books that are available from the old and new lists and just read books without a spine if necessary. It will be a fun, enjoyable year with living books. remember the books are only a suggestion. The pace is, too. You can do geography by looking for the places you come across during your reading. It does not have to be super involved at this point. You’d be surprised how much they learn and retain doing this type if study when narration and enthusiastic conversation are part of it all.



    PS. Just say no to the box. ;0)


    I found several of the books in good used condition on amazon, ebay, and Thriftbooks.com which gives you a 50 cent discount for additional books from the same location. I’ve bought many books on there for $3.49 and up and includes shipping. PM me your email address and I’ll send you a referral for 15% off. I have found this to be an inexpensive way to go and not have to buy a boxed curriculum. You could buy what you need a month at a time, used like this. I like having the books for my dc to go back to again. My ds8 is so visual. He often goes back to a book to show me something he remembers. Plus I would rather spend the money on a used book to own than on library late fees. 😉

    You can choose some books for school and leave others for free reading.


    It is likely that the Module 6 guide will be available soon if you can wait a bit 🙂


    We just finished the years of Module 5 & 6 without the guides since they didn’t have them done in time.  We enjoyed just reading through the books in a more or less chronological order.  I used the suggestions from SCM, searched on what my library had available and then looked at other lists from Beautiful Feet, Truthquest and others to get some more suggestions.  We had a great time.  My boys may not have every date memorized or fully comprehend every aspect of history, but they enjoyed what we read and have developed a love for history.  Good enough for me!


    The guide will most likely come out this spring or summer if all goes according to plan per a previous response from Sonya. Another option is to make your own book list for the time period using All Through The Ages by Christine Miller as your guide.


    Thank you for the above, I think I needed to hear I don’t need a spine, I guess I can just look up on a timeline what order things happen and organize the books that way.  Sarah, yes those are great suggestions for book websites, those are where I get them, but even 3.49 per book adds up.  (and my bookshelves are full of books for other modules:)  We usually don’t have library late fees so that’s the way my husband would prefer that we go right now, good thought about keeping some for school and some for free reading.

    crazy4boys, I’ve tried to look up books from Truthquest or Beautiful Feet, maybe I did something wrong, but I could only find sample pages, or options to buy, so then not being able to view the booklists.  Am I missing the right link? 

    Thank you for all the advice, feeling better:)

    Melissa Henson

    amama5 ~ try this link


    That is the early American History for your son’s age. You can scroll down and see ALL the books they use and then pick & choose which might be of interest to you.

    I’m with the ladies above. He is only EIGHT. Just read books and enjoy. I know it seems easier to have a “guide”, but if you just can decide which books are most important to you (that is the hardest part, in my opinion), then you can see exactly how that all adds up and how you can divide it over the year. Have you seen Sonya’s “Planning Your CM Education” DVD or book? Even if you haven’t and/or you can’t afford to get it, you could get the same information on the blog here. It is VERY helpful to break it down the way that she suggests.

    Good luck.



    Melissa Henson

    Here is the link to the planning series


    there are several posts/parts … just work your way through them


    Thanks for posting the link to Beautiful Feet, Melissa.  I used that list for some ideas.  You have to buy the Truthquest guides to get the book list (or borrow from a friend).  Another good option is All Through the Ages.  I also sniped ideas from Tapestry of Grace, Sonlight and a few others.  I also try various searches in the library to find what they have…sometimes you find great hidden gems.  Just put together a nice list, read through them, have fun and move on!  


    Thank you very much Melissa, I’ll look into those.  Thank you for the above suggestions, I know he’s only 8, I guess I was just also thinking, I need to know what to do in case it’s like this every year:)  I also have another one doing the history too, and they will both live through whatever I do:)  

    I have the planning DVD, and will go back and watch that again, thanks for the reminder. 

    Thank you ladies for your help 

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