A little frustrated – Sharing resources with the Organizer

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  • TailorMade

    I’m glad to know about the “copy” option. I hope I haven’t messed up any of your resources. I know I used two or three resources that were already in the Bookfinder. At least one I changed for our needs, but I think that was in the scheduling step, not as an edit to the resource.

    Newbie CMO user, and loving it, btw.


    This is a bit confusing to me as I haven’t used the CMO in awhile, but I hope I didn’t mess up anyone’s resources.  When I get back to it, I will be more careful.

    @Suzukimom, thanks for bringing this to our attention!


    I have to say I appreciate this thread because I had no idea how any of this worked. So I learned something new about the organizer.

    And discussion like this, followed by response from SCM, is what makes the organizer useful and better all the time. Thanks to the community and to Doug!


    Firstly, I am so, so sorry if I am one of the people who accidentally changed a resource. I had no idea that editing changed the resource for everyone! 

    I have been reading this thread and I must admit I am probably still not following exactly how all this works. 

    Is the difference between editing and copying a resource in one of the SCM organizer videos? If it is, could someone please tell me which one I should watch? Thankyou! 


    Jordan Smith

    Is the difference between editing and copying a resource in one of the SCM organizer videos?

    We don’t have a video tutorial about the resource editing features right now. But let me see if I can clarify for you.

    Editing a resource is great when you want to add to the resource’s details. Some examples:

    1. I add the book Swallows and Amazons, but I don’t know the ISBN number so I leave that field blank. You have a copy of the book, so you edit the resource to include the ISBN.

    2. Let’s also say that I made a typo in one of the divisions when I added the book. You edit the resource and fix my spelling.

    3. And I also didn’t have a cover image. You edit the book and upload a picture.

    In all of these examples, you can add a note in the Summary field to explain what you did. Then, when people view the changes on the resource, they’ll see a note such as, “I added a cover image.”

    Copying a resource is for if you want to do something more significant. Here are a couple of examples:

    1. You find that the resource Famous Men of the Middle Ages has been added to the Bookfinder, but it’s the older public domain edition. You want to use the revised and expanded Greenleaf edition that contains additional chapters, so you copy the resource and add the new chapters.

    2. Let’s say I add Little House on the Prairie to the Bookfinder and I put in all the chapters. You want to use the book, but you’d prefer to follow a curriculum plan you found that divides the book into ten weekly lessons. You copy the resource and redo the divisions to be ten lessons instead of the original chapter divisions.


    Thanks Jordan. That was extremely helpful. 

    Just a few more questions…..Where is the “compare all edits” button (or similar) mentioned earlier in this thread? I’ve checked out a few books in the bookfinder and can’t find it. 

    Is there no way to get back to choose the original listing or earlier edit of a book? 

    Thanks 🙂 

    Jordan Smith

    If the resource hasn’t ever been edited, you won’t see the “Compare All Edits” link. But if you’re looking at a resource like this one that has been changed, you’ll see a little box labeled “History of Edits” with that link at the bottom. You can choose any version of the resource from the list of edits and schedule it.


    Thanks, I think I get it now 🙂  


    I just happened to click on this thread.  Glad I did. It’s helpful and could probably be in the guidelines or something like that or it would be helpful to have a warning somewhere because I did almost change someone’s chapter divisions.  At least I think I created a new copy… Hope I didn’t mess something up…  I just started this trial to see if it would work for our situation. 


    Doug Smith

    Revisions are kept with every edit so you can’t permanently mess anything up. Anyone can go back to any revision and schedule use it instead.

    Jordan Smith

    There is a bug (that I reported) that I can’t “copy” an older version of a resource. 

    I just wanted to let everyone know that we got this problem fixed over the weekend. You should be able to copy any revision now.


    I am using a math book resource that appears to have a mistake in the chapter divisions (a missing chapter).  The resource was apparently edited today by someone to include the divisions. I just made a copy in case their edition was really missing that chapter, although I doubt it.  I am thinking that if everyone just makes new copies there will be an excess of the same resource.  Can resources be merged if it turns out they are duplicates?  Can someone who adds a resource and makes it private, delete it later?

    Jordan Smith

    I just made a copy in case their edition was really missing that chapter, although I doubt it.

    Just to clarify, when you make changes to a resource, those changes are not automatically applied to the schedules of others who have already scheduled it. They have to manually tell the Organizer to use the latest revision.

    We don’t have a way to merge resources right now. However, you are correct that if somebody adds a resource and makes it private, they can delete it at any time.

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