Well there was a deep discussion last yr on this subject. However, I just wanted to know if a 7 and 9 yr old would like it. We will discuss the whole aspect of our Christian values pertaining to the ghosts.
I have always loved the old movies and recently seen some of the Patrick Stewart movie. I watched the classic Scrooge as a child, and I never portrayed the ghosts in my mind as something sent by God or satan. What I got of it as a child was that we needed to be kind, loving, and compassionate towards others in our life. But maybe I wasn’t a deep thinker back then! LOL!
What are your thoughts on the book and the movie? Not the Disney version. I read that is was real scary and dark at times.
DO read it. Tell the children the “ghost” things were really like a dream. A dream showing him where he went wrong.
The Muppet Christmas Carol is a CLASSIC at our house. One of the three or four things we absolutely MUST watch here. We have “lines” from it here. For example, if anyone plays with fire/candles/matches, someone here is bound to yell out “Light the lamp, not the rat! Light the lamp, not the rat!” It’s not PERFECT as a book rendition but it gets the essence across, and we love the music. Too much fun to miss and not scary at all. We really were slightly creeped out by the one recently done by Disney with Jim Carrey (not a surprise, since we had the same reaction to the Grinch he was in.)
Also some of the versions done by high school drama departments are pretty non-spooky. We’ve really enjoyed those in the past and have taken our whole family to several.
This book has a GREAT message, it’s a do-not-miss as soon as you can explain about the whole ghost business.
We are reading this as well. My kids are loving it (they are 12, 9, and 6). My kids don’t get creeped out that much about ghosts, so they loved the Disney one, with Jim Carrey, and love the Muppet’s version as well. When my 9yo brought up the ghost parts, he was asking/telling us that he thought it was more of a dream, and I said that it was. Since we started reading the book, we have watched both versions and they have enjoyed all of it.
Scrooge was a very fortunate man to be able to enjoy the rest of his life living in a good state of mind. I know it doesn’t depict Christianity in the saving grace of Christ, but I think it does show that you can choose to live for the good of others or choose to live selfishly and not receive the blessing of giving.
And, honestly, I didn’t think that my kids would enjoy the book as much as the movies, but they are really loving it.
We love the short classic of Mickey’s Christmas Carol. The Muppet’s Christmas Carol is nice, too. We went to the movie theater to see the new Disney version and when the door-knocker became a ghost, ds age 5.5 at the time, nearly threw his bag of popcorn all over as he jumped out of his seat! I really should have asked around and checked more before going to see it. My kids were waaay too young at the time for that. But he does remember it and now that it is on Netflix, he wants to see it again. I’m not sure though. He is 7.5 years now.
Mickey’s Christmas Carol is my favorite from growing up. I own it now so I don’t have to worry about missing it on t.v. I kinda like the Disney version recently done, but I can see how it’d scary smaller kids. But I do like it much better than the Grinch one Jim Carrey did. THAT did kinda creep me out. lol
I was going to start reading the Dickens book last week, but I came down with the cold circulating through the family and my voice is shot. I think I’m going to go ahead and start it tomorrow and just read less at a time until the voice thing clears up. Fortunately it doesn’t look too long I can still get it done by Christmas.
We plan to read the book this year. Some discussion will probably be needed. But maybe not. I think my kids understand that some things are just not real, but imaginary.
We love and watch The Muppets Christmas Carol and Mickey’s Christmas Carol, and I have to say, we bought Disney’s version with Jim Carey last year, and it is now my favorite version. The kids watched it with us, and no one got too scared…but I do remember some ?s that Dad answered right away.
***I have been wanting a good illustrated version of the story. We have a non-illustrated paperback, and Little Golden’s Mickey’s Christmas Carol. I saw a new one in Barnes & Noble last year, but didn’t purchase it. Now I can’t find it on Amazon. Does anyone have some suggestions?
Many years ago we read the book together then rented all the movie versions we could find to see which followed the book most closely. It made for some great discussions that way.
That is a great idea Doug! We are not even through Ch 1 because of the language. The oldest is intensely listening but if I go too long I lose our 7 yr old!
So today we kept reading for about 10 minutes. Then I decided to play TNT Christmas Carol that we had dvr’d–is that a word? LOL! I haven’t even seen it yet. And we happened to record the Disney’s too. So we watched both up until the place where we left off. I am surprised that Disney follows the book a little more closely. But the boys do not like that Scrooge!
It was funny cause I asked them why. And they said he is so ugly and mean. And then I asked, Isn’t that the way the book makes him out to be? They had to agree. But said they rather watch the other one!
Thanks to Laurabora, we will be watching the Muppets version on you tube after we see the this one. I watched the first part yesterday and it was good but had some cute moments..that I LOL on! Loved it! But want them to see the real Scrooge according to the book first!
I know, I’m bringing up this question kind of late (and, yes, we leave the tree up until Valentine’s Day, complete with all the red ornaments & some added hearts), but my son saw the movie version with Jim Carrey with the library’s dvd’s & he brought it home.
I am wondering how close this is to the book. It’s a “snow day” here at the local schools (wimps….there is only 6 inches of snow on the ground today!), so we’re done early as a concession & to allow time for shoveling & snow angels. We’re thinking of watching the movie a little later today….