A Child’s Geography Vol. 1

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Geography A Child’s Geography Vol. 1

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  • Hi,

    Where would you fit in A Child’s Geography Vol 1, when studying History?



    Wife to Clayton for 18 years, Mother to: dd14, dd13, ds10, dd7, dd4, ds2 and baby 4 months.


    I’m not sure it really matters, myself. I used it where it seemed to fit the ages of the children, and didn’t care about where we were in history. In fact, at the time the two I used it with were still in different history periods.

    Michelle D



    The units are not really laid out historically. We started it last year, and I’m planning to use it this year, too, but as a once/twice a week subject. My dd (then 7) loved it! We actually did it more in correllation (sp?) with science, as it gets pretty in depth with atmosphere and geology.

    HTH, Faith 🙂

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