A Child's Geography-Explore the Holy Land

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  • teachme2learn

    We are using A Child’s Geography as recommended in SCM module 2.  I love it.  But getting the children to narrate gives me a headache.  Should they be writing terms down?  How do you get them to absorb the information or am I expecting too much?  The older children do okay but the younger ones don’t seem to be connecting.  Any ideas on getting participation?  Or is this a narration/attention problem, which I think I’ll leave for another post?


    I personally think that this book is a little to much for the youngers. After much pushing, prodding and downright frustration at the beginning of this study, I have changed my approach with this particular resource. I now sometimes take a lot longer to read through sections. Like only reading a page or less at a time sometimes. Also, I am incorporating a lot more discussion about the readings as well. I know that we are usually not supposed to “lecture” our lessons, but I find that without the discussion and the “talking it through” my kiddies were just not getting it. This is a difficult resource for them to make connections in on their own, it seems. Plus I know how my kids learn and so, I am alright with “breaking the rules” a bit in order to make the school day go smoother and the lessons be a little less daunting. I find, since changing my tactics with this book, that my kids are starting to absorb more and are quite a bit more interested in the country being studied itself than they were before. This is a book better suited for slightly older children, IMO. So, maybe give it some thought as to how your youngers learn best and then tweak the lessons a bit to make it a little more approachable.

    I hope this helps, this is just what I have found to be true in our family.

    God Bless!



    Thanks for the suggestions Miranda.  I found that I was avoiding Geography.  The children would enjoy the readings but couldn’t seem to remember a thing without excessive prompting, so doing smaller portions will be helpful. One thing I did find helpful was to list terms on a whiteboard and afterwards have them draw little pictures to help them remember the most important terms.

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