A childs book of centuries??

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  • ebcsmom

    Hello all,

    I am needing help with our book of centuries. I have a 7yr old son, and a 9yr old daughter and we are studying module one. Do I let them both make their own book of centuries or do we just do one together? How do you do yours? I was thinking of doing a timeline all together and hanging up in our school room however that might get quiet big as the years go on. So how do you do your book of centuries with each child? Do you print the one from here and put in a notebook or do you do a timeline? Thanks so much for all your help and I hope I wasn’t confusing.Smile



    Well, I have a poster sized “Staircase of Time” like the one in Hillyer’s Child’s History of the World.  Ours is homemade, but there is one here…  https://store.calvertschool.org/pc-131-1-a-childs-history-of-the-world-wall-poster.aspx  We don’t add in items on the poster (I put the main ones on) – but we do look at when things happened.

    We also keep a Book of Time…. with various events put in (a page per event) – each child has their own.

    I plan for the kids to get a Book of Centuries (from here) for the children as they move into their later years (about grade 7+) to make their century summaries….  by then they will be old enough to do a fine job, and will have gone through history once so they will have a basic idea of what will be in a century to pick and choose from….


    We do a wall timeline for the family. I have one room devoted to being “wallpapered” with a homemade timeline made out of posterboard. It is a great visual for the kids. The next rotation of history, when they are older, I intend to have them keep their own individual BOC.

    Also, I wrote more on another thread, which has a link to another thread on timelines:



    I created the BOC sold here b/c I wanted some organization to ours. I have a dd10, ds7, dd4, ds1.5 and do it as a family. DD10 will begin her own in 6th or 7th grade.

    ETA – I know many who like a wall timeline, but we did not. It was a chore and not a delight and it didn’t help us remember contemporaries and such the way the BOC is. Just our preference, but I thought I’d mention it.



    That sounds wonderful, I think my kids would love the visual of the timeline as well while they are still young.



    I LOVE your BOC that you created! Do you write in it for you children now? Do you post pictures or things like that as well? When your daughter begins her own later, will you then just let her start from where you are studying or go back in and fill hers in from yours?

    I was wanting to let my children make or help me make theirs so they could feel like they were included and so they could maybe remember it better? Does that make any sense? LOL




    Yes, I write in our Family BOC each week. I add people/events from our family readings and anything my kids might choose from their readings. We are list makers here, so it’s lists only on the grid and column pages with artifacts drawn in on the designated page. When dd starts her own, it will be from where we are in history at that point. She WILL NOT have to go back and fill in. That would kill the delight this book is to be, IMHO. 

    We tried and really disliked using the pre-printed timeline figures in our previous attempt at a BOC. We felt like we needed to include EVERYTHING and it became dreaded. I sold the cd-rom of pictures and now we choose those things – people and events – most meaningful to us to include in our BOC. We started with the births of each member of our family and have gone on from there. We don’t worry about things previously covered in our studies. If it occurs to one of us and we choose to add it now, fine. Otherwise, we’ll add it when we get to that the second time around. 

    For now, dd10 completes 2-3 written narrations per week and also makes a notebook entry w/ or w/o drawings for every book she finishes. This is much more doable for her than writing in the small spaces in our BOC. 




    I use the sketchbook timeline shown here: http://www.homeschoolinthewoods.com/HTTA/TimelineHelps/  We are all visual learners, so being able to see everything togeather on the pages works well for us.  For now we are using the History timeline figures.  We only have the one notebook that we all use togeather and discuss what we are going to enter in it.  When my ds turns 10-11 I will probably have him make his own and let him decide what will work best for him.  HTH



    That helped me so much! Thank you! We are doing module 1 this year and so we have decided to study all things Africa. We are doing a missionary study, learning about their animals, climates, foods and those sorts of things. I was wanting each child to have their own “notebook” so to speak about these things and be something they created themselves maybe to be a form of narration I guess. Im just having trouble I guess finding the pages for their notebooks and if I should let them also include a timeline of sorts in their notebooks. Does that make any sense? Im probably making it harder than what it is, and you have helped me so much thank you!



    The kids are a part of the family timeline, because they color or draw the picture and then we talk about what to write next to it and I write it for them and they cut it out and paste it on the wall where I tell them it belongs on the timeline. They see it on the timeline, and remember coloring or drawing it and remember studying about it. You can also keep a history notebook or a travel journal or passport for geography as separate to the timeline. We add to these about once a week, or sometimes less. It is just whenever the need comes up with our studies. Our studies are not centered around these extras. The extras help to cement what we have studied and we do them as they fit in.

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