A child using CM Math series Book one.

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  • Siobhan

    Does a child using your math series need to have the math fact learned in each lesson memorized to move on to the next lesson. We are on number 11 but she still needs to use objects to do simple fact like 3+4,  etc. Would it be ok to move on the higher numbers if the fact aren’t memorize? Thanks

    Karen Smith

    Book 1 is focused on exploring the numbers and discovering how they work in addition and subtraction, so your child does not need to memorize the facts. If your child understands the concepts, feel free to move on.

    The facts for addition and multiplication (through 6 x 10, tables 7-10 will be covered in Book 3) are learned/memorized in Book 2 as the student builds each table and then works many problems to give plenty of practice with the math facts.


    Sorry I never checked this. Actually, I didn’t know how to check it. I just realized how.

    Anyway, thank you for your response. I think that helps. I also suppose not completing an entire lesson in the 20 mins is okay. If we don’t complete the lesson should we just pick up the next day where we left off?



    Karen Smith

    Yes, go at your child’s pace. When the timer goes off the lesson is finished for that day. The next day continue from where you stopped.


    Learning how to tell time. I just purchased book 1 and realized that children aren’t taught how to tell time. Will any of the books cover this?

    Karen Smith

    Book 3 introduces telling time and other measurements.


    Great to know. Something I have wondered while using Book one. We can not get through one number a day. Do we have to do all of the story problems or would it be alright to do half of them per section? We are just going so slow. Also it can seem like my child can get bored of the same thing in math every day. Is that normal?

    Karen Smith

    If your child is finding the material too easy at your current place in the book, feel free to skip to material that challenges, but does not frustrate, your child. I would not skip problems otherwise.

    How long are your math lessons? Twenty minutes may be too long for your child. When the child becomes bored with the lesson, it is time to stop. Try to keep the lesson interesting by changing the names in the problems to names of family and friends, using objects for manipulatives that may be more interesting to your child, or making the time of the lesson shorter.


    I am ready to begin book 1 this week. Question #1: I understand I need cards for l-9 (3 of each). Do I use all 27 cards for the first lesson? I ask because in the DVD I see number cards 1-5 being used vs all 1-9.


    Question #2: For the Math notebook, do we only have the child write a single number? In the DVD, Sonya write the number 1 for lesson 1 at least 3 times. I think this book recommends only writing the number once and continue with the subsequent numbers underneath. Meaning, numbers are only written once. Correct?


    Thank you!


    I was able to find the answer to my question #2: The instructions say,

    “(Once is enough in the notebook; if your child is eager to practice writing numbers a few more times, have her do so on the slate.)”


    Tamara Bell

    The number cards are used to help your child recognize the particular number.  You will spread all of the number cards on the table and have your child find all of the #1 for lesson 1, #2 for lesson 2, and so on.

    Tamara Bell

    I’m sorry, I didn’t answer your question fully.  Concerning whether you need all 27 cards for the early lessons, that would best be decided by you.  My son had no issue with me putting out cards 1-9 however I other children may be overwhelmed with that many cards/numbers laid before them.


    Do you have your child explain the why behind their answers every single time? I know it is meant to build a good habit, but by having me ask every single time, my students get extremely frustrated. Their frustration didn’t come from now knowing, but because they thought it was too boring/repetitive to have to give me a “full” answer. I want to build a fun culture for math, but I think we have tried to many programs and have traumatized them, so now my twins get easily frustrated. Any advice?

    We just got through lesson #2 and they didn’t mind answering the questions. They just didn’t like explaining the answer since they seem to understand the meaning of addition.

    * I tried asking my 4 year old the same questions (just to see how this would compare to my 6 yr old twins) and he had NO problem giving me a full answer. Sigh….I just want to be a good teacher to my twins.

    Thank you!

    Richele Baburina

    Hi! If “why” is frustrating, how about letting them know they’re always expected to give a full answer during the main math lesson but during “mental math” (or “review” or however you’re calling that time) they get to just give you the answers.

    That word “why” can be tricky for some kids just as some kids might dislike the word “narration” or other things that are such a help to them. These things will pop up from time to time. One of my children needed to know matter-of-factly that I always expected his written work to be neat and orderly. I had another child that, in jr. high, didn’t want to write his units of measurement on his answers, reasoning that he knew the units he was working with. Finding out NASA had lost a $125 million Mars probe when a contractor used English units rather than the standard metric units without specifying helped him realize their importance.

    The beauty of giving a fully-worded answer is that they’ll learn their +/- facts before even realizing it.

    All my best,


    So I guess the child does not have to give the full answer in the review section, only in the first section?



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