A child resistant towards nature study

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  • Nature81

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>I have a daughter who is 11. She is high functioning autistic. I’m trying to implement  Charlotte Mason methods. She is very much resistant to doing nature study. How can I get her interested? Do I make her do nature study or just not? Any advice would be appreciated.  Thanks so much.</p>


    Is she resistant to outdoors? Is it a tactile thing? Resistant to something new? Maybe you could start off observing weather from inside. Or maybe just laying on a blanket in your backyard looking at clouds? Or maybe going to a pet store or animal shelter to observe some animals. You could bring home a bouquet of flowers to enjoy. Maybe plant a window herb garden. Catch some ladybugs or other creepy crawlies in a glass jar to watch for a short time then release. Moon phases. Stoping in rain puddles? Grab some books from the library and try to connect some dots. Cloud books when you plan to watch clouds.  Water cycle books when it gets to be rainy season. I think Charlotte’s purpose was to help children love nature so they want to learn and become good stewards of it. I dont think it needs to be elaborate or complicated. You are probably doing nature study already just by living life. Try not to stress over it and just enjoy it, whatever you are able to get in will be a benefit to her.


    I agree with not stressing about it.  Maybe finding ways in that are more enjoyable to her–songs about nature or pictures or looking through books.  Watching through the windows.  Nature-inspired crafts.  Anything that inspires joy.

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