A begining art/drawing course for 1st grade?

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  • eawerner

    My dd5 LOVES to do art and craft type projects. I thought she would be very into a nature journal as well, but when she tried to draw a robin and ended up with a smiley face with feet and a tail attached she was very upset. This was after watching the robins outside our house and reading a nicely illustrated book on robins. She came to me, so sad, because she knew that it didn’t look ‘right’. She has also done this with other drawing or art projects that we do. If we both draw flowers, she will get upset that mine look like real flowers and hers don’t. I never thought about getting a drawing curriculum before, but it upsets her so much and she doesn’t even want to try doing anything for her nature journal. Is this a skill that is supposed to just develop on it’s own or is it a good idea to give her some help or direction in this area?

    I had looked and the Rod and Staff Artpac 1 and thought it might be a good start but I don’t know anyone else that has used it. Anyone have other ideas?


    My just-turned-6-year-old and my 8-y-o are huge lovers of Draw Write Now (though we don’t use the handwriting portion). It’s really easy to teach and my girls have had a very good experience with drawing and it has helped cultivate their confidence, for sure. It often can be tied to what we’re reading in history or Burgess or whatnot, so it’s been good across subjects, too. 


    We’ve just done an AMAZING art program – called Creating a Masterpiece.  http://www.creatingamasterpiece.com/index.html  My 6 year old and 8 year old have done the pastel lesson and it’s AMAZING what they are capable of – totally impressed my husband who believes you’re either born with artistic ability or not.  They have never had any instruction until this and their work is just amazing!  I do have a disclaimer… this is my pastor’s wife… she has a local art school, but the waiting list is SO long to take her classes, that we decided to give her videos a try until the girls can take her classes live!  I think it’s worth every penny.  We’re going to do the pencil drawing one next, I’ll let you know how that goes for my 6 year old!




    You could get the book “Drawing with Children” by Mona Brooks… it really helps you learn how to draw what you see…


    Thanks for the ideas. I also got a recomendation for ARTistic Pursuits. Anyone use that?


    I second the draw write now books. If those seem too hard, you could start with Ed Emberley books and then go to draw write now.


    We use and LOVE Draw Write Now. My dd 6 LOVES to draw. Someone reccommended DWN to us and she has enjoyed them. 


    We tried the Mona Brooks book when my son was 6 yrs and didn’t enjoy it. Maybe when he is a little older?
    Now that he is 7 yrs we love How Great Thou Art, a basic drawing and painting workbook. It should last us the entire school year. Includes art appreciation. 

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