9th grade plan…input please. :-)

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    So…I posted last time that going into high school has me all bummed because it seems so stressful and does not seem to *fit* our family what most people are doing…

    So here is the plan I am working through:

    (Some things I am still working out)

    Math: I dont know yet. I like video text algebra, but im not sure still.

    English: Analytical grammar, Student of the Word (bible is language arts and the creative writing rocks!), My access Writing to help grade writing assignmemts, Teaching the classics…with a huge book list (from scm, ao and all through the ages). Still working that out. Basically – S.O.W. + classics + various essays + analytical grammar = english

    Any suggestions on book titles?

    History/Geography: SCM (planning to do greek, rome, early and modern for the four year study)

    Bible: use SCM as the guide and S.O.W. as the meat…planning to use time spent with church activities too and give a full bible credit.

    Foreign Language: Our library gives us access to some online programs for free.

    Science: I dont know. I want a more “living” option. I was thinking about getting Heart of Dakota’s High school guide just for science….I originally planned to jist use the guide “as is”, but I dont like how ‘boxed in’ I feel with it. 🙁

    Record keeping: I was planning to use homeschool Sked Track. Anyone have any experience with it?

    Thats it for now.

    What do you think?

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks so much for your help!



    I have just posted my plan, as well, if you’d like to look at it.  Your Student of the Word sounds great!  I don’t need any other ideas but that does sound interesting.


    My3boys- looks great! I am going to look into some of your literature titles. 😉 My son loves to read, but writing…ugh. He aslo is always looking for volunteer opportunities. He was at the childrens museum for a few years. He planned to volunteer at the animal shelter nearby, but they said the minimum age is 18. So he is still looking. Anyway, thanks for sharing your 9th grade plans with me. 🙂


    Btw, you can find SOW at sowcurriculum.com. It has been a blessing in our home. I understand though about not needing other ideas. I think once we order our resources and start our year…I might have to dissappear from all of the homeschool message boards, because it is so easy to second guess my plans. 🙁


    Bumping. O:-)

    Mostly because I am hoping for reviews on: video text alg, homeschoolskedtrack, My access writing (or anything similar that will grade writing)…and any thoughts about my plan for the focus to just read good books and write for english. Sounds sooo right, but so not “heavy” enough. Maybe I should add to my list Books and Things? Also, Im sure this has been talked about somewhere on here – how did / do you like Teaching the Classics as a natural way to discuss literature? I have not had any formal lit before, just know the basics. And…another question, that I sure has been discussed, but if anyone has any new to add: Living book science route. I guess the “non-bju/apologia” route to go is the intergated workbooks with the 101 videos and make sure we do labs? I think my son could be a late bloomer and want to go to college later…we will see.

    Lots of questions and hoping for some input if anyone has any thought…

    Thanks sooo much!



    We are using VideoText Algebra this year.  However, we haven’t actually started so I don’t have much of a review on it.  Wink  I watched a 50 minute product demonstation and really liked what I saw.  You can access it here (click login as guest, Guest Access – Considering…, and then Click here for product demonstation).

    I will say that I found it used (local, so no shipping) for half the price.  That helped with the decision.  Smile

    Science- here is a blog post that offers an alternative to apologia.  It is for chemistry but she might have other posts I didn’t see.


    Here’s another post about learning chemistry with living books: https://sites.google.com/site/cmpagesbygracefortheday/download-stuff/science-with-living-books.  (I hope I did that right).  It looks awesome, and the reading and labwork are even scheduled out for you.  The one issue for me is that, as written, it would take 40 weeks to complete.  I’m planning to use Chemistry 101 (DVD course) with my 11th grader this year, along with some of the living books and lab ideas from the above post.  Oh, she also gives information about doing Biology and General/Environmental Science with living books!  –Tara


    Whoops!  Thank you!  🙂


    Awesome blogs for science (and book listing too!)!! Thank you both. 🙂

    JennyMN, thank you for your input on video text and that link. The price has been one of the things holding me back, but it looks amazing!

    Also, I wanted to edit to say…I meant the ‘precept workbooks’ not integrated. Not sure where that came from. I love the the idea of just using lists of living books though. 🙂

    Any one have any thoughts on a resource or a way to outsource grading, specifically writing. My Access Writing seems to be the only one I can find. I have been his teacher all along, so for high school I think he would benefit having another grade his work. I would prefer to have it computer based, but I want to be able to assign the topic and type of writing. Any other resources I dont know about?

    Thanks again,


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