7th grade materials…question

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  • sbkrjulie

    It is that time of year where I start researching materials as the bookfair is coming!!! Cool

    Right now, I am confusing myself with choices and want to gain some advice or direction from you wonderful ladies/gents…

    I am considering Queen’s Language Lessons for the Secondary Child and Parables of Nature for our science.

    Is this enough grammar and science for a 7th grader?

    I also will have a 4th grader and want to use the LL for her later on.

    However, should I use Analytical Grammar and Apologia General Science?


    My son ADHD and becomes overwhelmed sometimes if there is too much reading or work involved. Not sure if that is ADHD or lack of wanting to work. I want him to gain skills to think and study too.





    Well, I don’t really consider Parables of Nature to be science, Julie.  It’s really more character/moral story than it is science.  And I did it in early elementary.  So I’m iffy on that one.  I’ve never personally seen the Secondary Child LL so I can’t help there.  I have an up-and-coming 7th grader next year myself (my BABY, sniff!)  so I’m right there with you. 

    I am not doing General Science next year with my son, he’s not ready quite yet.  He has one more book in the God’s Design series to finish.  We may do General Science the next year.  He is doing a combination of Our Mother Tongue, Jump In and good literature for English. 

    Hope you get lots of opinions and ideas!



    For my upcoming 7th gr boy, who is fairly new at cm methods, we are going with Storybook Science along with Anna’s Handbook and other resources. We are using the storybook as a spine to hold us together. We are also using My Nature Journal when we do our nature studies. I havent decided where we will go after this. I know it is time for us to get more scientific soon, but for this year I just want to kindle the learning spark. I have thought about using General Science txt as the spine, suplementing w living books. Just an idea.

    As for Language Arts, I finally feel peace about that. We will be using Growing with Grammar and Winning with Writing workbooks for writing and grammar. Spelling we will do dictation from HOD. Then of course we will be working on narrations (both written and oral). There will probably be some copy work thrown in every once in awhile too.


    I have a 7th grade son this year and will also have one next year.  I held off on the Apologia General Science for this year as well so that they could do it together next year (7th and 8th grades).  I’m pretty sure we are going to go with the Apologia, but I’m still doing a bit of research on that.  

    For LA, he’s doing the Jump In for writing  along with Easy Grammar Plus for a grammar review.  We’re also using The Modern Speller, a free Google ebook for dictation — that is mostly to help him with his spelling which he struggles with. He is really enjoying writing now so I consider written narrations for history and science as a supplement to our LA program.  


    We began Gen. Science this past fall for my current 7th grader but are taking it slow.

    Do any of you see a problem with slowing it down even more to add in a 2-3 living books to break it up a bit???

    I like the text, well, I don’t have anything against it, but I think some living books would be a nice change. That would mean Gen. Science would take appr. 2 school years, not one. Any thoughts??




    I can’t see any problem with that since he would be finishing Gen. Science at the end of 8th grade which is my plan as well.  I think that still gives you plenty of time to fit in the science that would be required for a high school transcript.  




    I actually spread General Science over 7th and 8th grades with my middle son and it worked fine.  We added in some living books and he did some delight-directed things also.  It worked fine, he’s now in chemistry and having no problems.


    Perfect, thank you.

    This ds does enjoy reading and there are a few books I’d love to read aloud or have him read independently. Plus, I have him take science co-op classes 1-2 times a month that takes away from ‘study time’, so he’s a bit limited on time. I don’t see this text as something that can be rushed through, especially since I am learning/relearning along with him.

    Thanks for the input, I appreciate it.


    By Parables of Nature, do you mean the Queen’s nature study with that book?  If so, I think you would be fine.  My opinion (I know, everyone has one) on the Queen’s things is that they work best together.  The LA lessons are very short, but if you are doing the science too, then they are doing research and writing, narrations, drawing, etc. too.  That is all LA sorts of things.  Their other subjects use a lot of looking up and writing which rounds out the short LA lessons.  IMHO of course.

    Hi! I have a 7th grader this year, who is going through General Science. He is an avid reader! I can’t keep books for him, literally will find him reading instead of doing chores.. or sleeping. haha! With that being said, I would love to provide him with more living books (in Science). We are very new to CM’s methods and I confess I’m finding it difficult to find books. Could anyone direct me to a general science area for living books for him! He’s an advanced reader, so where should I look? I know the bookfinder on here… but I guess I’m not using it correctly. THANKS everyone! (btw- I hope I’m not hyjacking your thread, sbkrjulie, not my intention)


    Dawn D—yes, it a Queen’s “discoverying nature” series book. It states it is for upper elementary and jr high students.

    I am just not sure if my son will be ready for Apologia in 7th grade. He is struggling with some math currently (fractions, which were and still are a big headache for me! LOL). He needs science and he has been asking for experiments, etc. Just not sure what to do…sigh…


    “naked eggs and flying potatoes”

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