7th grade and up

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  • lookingupalr

    Help please,

    I am currently teaching a 3rd grader and a 6th grader. This year is going smoothly. However, I can’t help but look to the future and seek advice from those who have gone before me.

    Next year my son will be in 7th grade. Up until this point it has been about getting the kids to do their work.

    Next year …. next year!!! I am anxious as to whether I have what it takes for 7th grade and up. Will my kids get what they need. Is it me!! Am I crazy. I have been thinking more of Public School. I know this is not what God is leading up to. I know this is fear based.

    Can someone give me some good direction? Is there something I can read this year that will begin to prepare me for the 7th grade school year at home?


    Honestly, it’s just the next yr like it has been all along.  It really isn’t any harder on your teaching part.  I use materials that set it all up for me, I just need to chose which to use.  (I prefer the hand-holding plus info for our state.)

    I’m also excited to be learning w/ my older ones.  I can’t wait to do the labs and read the history.  I’m looking forward to studying the Bible on a more indepth level and having discussions. 

    And, really, the planning isn’t that tough.  It’s mostly about being aware of what you want/need for your dc for HS.  I will have both my older boys back home this yr (YIPPEE) and we will be teaching 8th and 10th w/ them, along w/ 2nd, 3rd, + 4th in the younger crew.

    Please, please, please, put the ps option up on the shelf – or better yet – OUT the window!  (Unless is truly what God wants.)  My boys were both there last yr (7th + 9th) and the oldest was there in 8th.  After seeing what they accept for A/B level work – I am utterly APPALLED!!!  Seriously, you CAN do this – and do it EASILY!  Certainly waaaaay better than any ps!  Just take it one step at a time. 



    You don’t have to do a whole lot differently.  7th and 8th grades are a good time, though, to take stock of where you are.  What goals do you and your child have?  What might his future plans be?  Is college in the picture?  Or something else?  If college, what kind?  If one is aiming at college, what sort of preparation should she be thinking of?  How are your child’s basic skills?  Study skills?  What groundwork do you still have to lay to be ready for high school level work?  Can he spell?  Can she write an essay?  Are their math skills up to par and ready for algebra?  You don’t have to have all these questions figured out now, but it is time to begin thinking about them.  This is also time to begin to listen to your child and start to take some account of his interests and goals as well (of course, you still need  plenty of input!) 


    Kerby and Bookworm, Thank you so much for your encouragement!! I have never done this type thing (blog) before. You all have been such an encouragement. Thank you!! Thank you!

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