7th gr. schedule-what's it look like?

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    I am thinking about next year with my 7th grader to be.  I would like to know what your 7th grade schedule looks like – will look like – or – has looked like.  Also, could you be specific.  Please don’t just write grammar, write how often and what was all in your “grammar”.  What I mean is this – grammar 4 x’s a week which we did spelling 2 times, vocab 1 time and a dictation 1 time.  You know what I mean.

    I appreciate it.  I am trying to put together a schedule and feel it’s either to much or not enought.  Oh could you also put how long you expect them to work on it.  Are there things you have then do just once?  Like a report?  Thanks everyone


    Here is my 7th grader’s schedule:

    6:30 Up, dress, morning routine

    7:30 Breakfast, Bible with family, journal writing, chores

    8:30 History with family

    9:15 Science, independent

    9:45 Literature (read for 20 minutes and type a summary with the remaining time)

    10:15 Study spelling

    10:30 Novel Way (his choice for grammar/writing this year)

    11:00 Outside/p.e.

    11:45 Lunch, read aloud with family

    12:30 Lessons with Mom (math, spelling, go over independent lessons)

    1:15 Math lesson

    1:45 Complete work not finished or do independent research of choice

    2:15 Typing and Thinking Skills (3x/wk) or Word Roots (2x/wk)

    2:30 Read aloud with family

    3:00 Quiet time/free time

    4:00 Projects

    5:30 Before dinner chores……..

    Our family has undergone so many challenges over the past year that I do not vary the schedule because as life happens, we tend to miss a lot. So, this is the ideal and we do our best!




    Cindy – thanks in two fold. 1. for the school schedule and 2. it answered my other post also about free time.  Your son/daughter has an much or less than mine (6th grader).  So thankful for your response hoping to see a few more.


    lots on the threads here.. bumping back up.. Undecided


    I will have a 7th grader next year. Here is the schedule we are throwing around:

    History – 4 to 5 times a week. Trying something new this year. One week will be devoted to World History with The Story of Us Volume 3 with the test booklet to use as comp. questions. The next week will be devoted to Ancient Egypt Study through the recommended books on this site.

    Science – Will be 3-5 days a week. Finishing up the last half of Exploring Creation through Anatomy and adding other interest led subjects as needed.

    Language Arts – Spelling Wisdom 2-3 times a week, Easy Grammar 3 times a week, Writing 2-4 times a week, poetry and vocabulary 3 times a week.

    Math – 5 days a week with Teaching Textbooks.

    Literature – Reading 5 days a week – writing as up above in language arts.

    Art/Music – Picture Study and Composer Study plus art instruction 3-5 days a week through a coop and private lesson.

    Foreign Language – Greek with Hey Andrerw Teach Me Some Greek three times a week. Conversational Spanish through a coop twice a week.

    Bible – 5 days a week with Bible readings and a Bible Study.

    I am sure I have left something out, but this is all I can think of at the moment.






    Our current 7th grader’s schedule looks like this (times given are approximate):

    Personal bible study and scripture memorization daily.  My husband is in charge of this one, but I believe he requires two verses memorized daily from the Book of James, and 2-3 Lessons completed a week in Studying God’s Word.

    History daily – one or two days per week Canadian History, Bible history/Ancient three to four days per week.  30-45 minutes.

    Science – 5 days per week.  Apologia General Science (3 days); read through Secrets of the Universe the other two days. 45 minutes – 1 hour for Apologia, less for the other books.

    Language Arts – Spelling Wisdom 3 times/week (as long as it takes – 15 minutes maybe?), Ancient History based Writing Lessons (includes vocabulary) twice a week (30 minutes); poetry twice a week – we just read the poems at this point.  We have finished JAG and are taking a break from grammar until next year.

    Math – 5 days/week,  4 days MathUSee pre-algebra, one day Focus on Problem Solving.  Usually one practice page or test per day.

    Literature – reading 5 days a week.  20 minutes or so.

    Art/Music – picture study once a week, drawing and/or painting at least once a week (these are done more as free time projects for him); composer study is casual – we listen to or play classical music/hymns regularly as a way of life.  Violin/piano practice daily.  This can go on for hours.

    Foreign language – Latin daily, french two or three times/week half an hour, but should be more.

    Typing – daily 10 minutes

    Logic – twice a week formally, but trying to encourage logical thinking more often 🙂

    Personal development book weekly – 1 chapter

    Computer skills – learning to use Microsoft word a few times per week.  We bought the Alpha Omega lifepacs for him – he likes them; I think they’re a bore.

    Geography – daily computer “game” 10 minutes.  Weekly study of Africa with David Livingstone – 30 minutes

    That’s all I can think of at the moment.



    thanks everyone.  I appreciate your time in writing this out.  I am feeling like I am either not doing enough or to much.. Now I feel a bit better thanks.. I will write more later


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