7th – 9th Grade Literature & Language Arts Questions

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  • missceegee

    My plan for dd12 entering 7th…

    7th Grade

    • Read and Narrate CMH Year 6 selections

      • The Hobbit – I need a substitute bc she’s read it.Suggestions, welcome.
      • Call of the Wild by London – I need a substitute for this one because she has read it. Suggestions, welcome.
      • Swiss Family Robinson by Wyss
      • Animal Farm by Orwell 
      • Never Give in: The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill by Stephen Mansfield
      • Ben Hur by Lew Wallace

    • Analytical Grammar, season 1 with some coverage of mechanics
    • Learn to Outline and Take Notes
    • Beyond the Book Report, Season 1

    8th Grade

    • Read & Narrate CMH Year 7 selections
    • AG, Season 2
    • Beyond the Book Report, Season 2

    9th Grade

    • Read and narrate CMH Year 8 selections
    • AG, Season 3
    • Beyond the Book Report, Season 3 (will be the essay one, I think)



    Given this bare bones structure, would we benefit from adding in anything like Total Language Plus or Lightning Literature during these next three years?

    All advice welcome and soon. I’m using this week through Sunday to finish ALL of my planning for the coming year. 🙂



    Just me…, I wouldn’t add anything to this list. It gives you room to use your plan in a thorough way. Adding more might spread time too thin to actually add to learning. You’ll still have all the other subjects and any extra time might be devoted to practicing these skills on this list in those areas, too.

    A thought.



    Love your long-term planning, and I’m bookmarking this for my future 7th grader! 

    I only have some book suggestions to replace The Hobbit and Call of the Wild.

    What about
    Wuthering Heights (maybe too advanced?)
    The Old Man and the Sea
    The Miracle Worker
    Hatchet or Woodsong (both Gary Paulsen)
    A Wrinkle in Time series
    Great Expectations (I was a freshman when I read this, but I think your dd could handle it.) 


    I have no advice for you, sorry, but was curious about Animal Farm.  I’d like to add this book to my ds’s lit list, as well,  but I’m afraid it will not make much sense without knowing or understanding the historical background it is referring to.  Did you make sure your dd knew some background first??  I know we can discuss during his narrations, but I was just curious if I should have him read something else first, then AF??  Or if we can use the internet for some background information??

    What do you think??

    BTW, my ds has not used LL but I do plan to add that in somewhere.  I think it will be helpful to him.  I plan to use Beyond the Book Report, too, but not sure.  I have Jensen’s Format Writing (along with many other writing programs/guides) that I hate to purchase one more thing. 



    Funny!!  TailorMade mentioned something that I was mentioning to a dear friend of mine.  I have a tendency to feel “more is better” but when dealig with my ds is it not wise.  I have looked over our list of subjects and have reduced it considerably for him.  I have left the most important and necessary for his age/grade, but I had to eliminate some things.  Now, he’s going into 9th grade so we have to step it up a notch but if I overwhelm him or over-schedule nothing is done well, just skimmed, etc. His comprehension level is good/great, but reading many books in one year is just not going to happen. Or adding in too many LA guides/programs, etc.

    I’m not in any way suggesting that you are doing this, just saying that I can relate to what TailorMade mentioned.  My ds is not a strong/fast reader, your dd may be.  He is a thinker and a processor.  He likes to read, but I have to pick the best of the best and just do that.  I have just now figured this out with this ds of mine, how sad is that?? 

    Like I said, not saying that you are over-scheduling, cause I know by your posts that you are very methodical and a planner by nature. I know you wouldn’t purposely over-plan. 


    Just adding to the discussionLaughing.


    Although I love TLP, and my children do too, I have found it to be teacher-intensive.  When it comes to checking the work it just seems like it takes forever.  Also, they suggest reading through the books much more slowly than my children like to, which makes it drag on.


    I love LL and we have also used that here, but I think that it adds a lot of work to what can already be a full schedule. If you use LL it would probably be the only LA you would use at that time and it does require that the student does quite a bit of writing.  So if you are going to add other writing assignments on top of it that might be too much.


    In place of Call of the Wild – Old Yeller or Where the Red Fern Grows, maybe?

    As far as amount: I think you are right on. My current 7th grader expressed to me that she had been overwhelmed with the amount I gave her this year. I am learning the truth of less is more.

    Rachel White

    In place of Call of the Wild – White Fang

    Replace The Hobbit:

    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde;

    War of the Worlds;

    King Arthur by Howard Pyle

    The Giver by Lois Lowry


    I am saving these suggestions for readers…

    We will be in the Middle ages, all our readers and read alone, don’t know if you would care for those titles?

    Maybe Joan of Arc?


    Thanks for the suggestions. I’m finally getting around to planning for dd12 for next year.

    Petitemom – I’m not tying these to history necessarily, so thanks for that suggestion, too. I’ll post our final plan when it’s ready.


    I have finalized dd12’s 7th grade Literature List. Thanks for these ideas. I’ve incorporated some of them. Asterisks denote terms.

    Scheduled Literature

    *The Winter’s Tale by William Shakespeare

    **Plutarch – Publicola/ – could be listed with citizenship, but here for now

    ***Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare

    Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens (Kindle/Audible)

    *Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stephenson

    *The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

    **Swiss Family Robinson by Wyss

    **Animal Farm by Orwell (parents should read and discuss the author’s message in this tale- you can research it at Sparknotes online)  http://www.sparknotes.com/lit/animalfarm/canalysis.html

    ***Never Give in: The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill by Stephen Mansfield

    ***The Story of King Arthur and His Knights by Howard Pyle (Kindle)

    Optional – Age of Fable by Bulfinch (Audible)

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