7 for $7 Lamplighter special is on again! 2 days only..

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating 7 for $7 Lamplighter special is on again! 2 days only..

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  • danceandbeglad

    For those of you who missed it the first time, they are offering the special on ebooks and dramatic audios again here. Here are the details copy and pasted from my email:

    Sale is not retroactive and applies only to purchases made

    from 6:30 pm ET on 2/22/13 to 11:59 pm ET on 2/24/13


    Wow. That seems to be quite a sale! I’m not very familiar with Lamplighters. I just went over their website, and maybe I’m missing something…. I can’t seem to find explanations or descriptions of the different audios, theater, books, etc.

    I’m not sure how to find out the topics of their various audio and ebook packages.

    Edit: I see what books and audios are included in the packages. But not synopses of each book and audio. In other words, I’m not sure just by the titles which one(s) might be most appealing or appropriate for us.


    Go to their homepage and navigate from there to learn about the stories. FYI, I own all of the audio dramas and paid full price ($200+) and I do not think I overpaid. They are that good. I will say that we enjoy some of the books more than others, but many are fabulous and the audio dramas are some of the best I’ve ever heard.

    Katrina in AK

    Christie, I bought these on sale last time around, but have also wondered which to start with. My boys are 4.5 and 6.5. What are your favorites?


    Okay, if I download these on an iPad is it possible to transfer them onto other devices such as iPod nano? I am always reluctant to do downloads because I am not tech savvy and am not sure if the file would be transferable to other devices.


    NJcountrygal, the audio files downloaded directly to my iTunes with my mac mini.  We put a few titles on our iPod touches with no problem- you should be able to do the same. Smile


    Fantastic opportunity. Thank you!


    Our favorite audios have been Sir Malcolm and the Missing Prince (our CM co-op is producing this as a drama this year, too) and A Peep Behind the Scenes. We liked all of them, but these two are favorites listened to many times.


    It sounds that this isn’t the first time this sale has happened.  How often does this particular sale take place? (Obviously, I know that it isn’t certain that this sale will happen again) I’m thinking of buying all the books now and then buying the MP3’s when the next sale comes around.   We’re not on a big rush for the mp3’s, but know that it would be a nice addition for our car rides!


    I am so excited! My mom bought all of these special deal sets! I love lamplighter books and just this week I was thinking about asking my friends on FB if anyone had any I could borrow. Now I don’t have to! I highly recomend these books!!

    Helena Mol

    Yay, thank you so much for sharing this. I got the 2 audiobook sets.


    Katrina, Teddy’s Button would be a good one for your ages.  


    Thank you so much for sharing this information!  I was able to get the two drama sets and am so excited about them.  I was also able to pass the info. along to other friends.  We all appreciate the “heads up!!!”  Smile


    The sale has been extended until Monday March 4th



    I was just wondering….the Lamplighter e-books are not abridged, are they?

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