6 year History cycle in High School


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  • Erin Robinson

    Hi, I am new! I am considering switching to SCM from Sonlight, as I have a large family and combining with Sonlight is getting more difficult. My concern is this – my oldest child will be in 8th grade when we make the switch. We have not done any ancient history yet, so I wanted to start there. However, that means he would not finish the 6 year cycle before graduation from high school. Has anyone else run into this situation? Is there a way to double up our combine things for him so that he can get a complete History cycle in?

    I appreciate any suggestions!



    If you do 1.5 modules a year you can do all 6 in 4 years. There are a couple ways to do that: do 1.5 lessons a day, or do history every day and the Bible and Geography also during the week, or have him work through breaks. Basically you need 7-8 lessons done every week.


    How about a second history track for the eldest? Do the SCM modules as a family, but have him do a day or two per week from module 6? Then you don’t have to rush the younger kids.

    We’ve missed a bit of modern history too. (I combined a few AO years for the eldest.) Part of my plan is to have him use the 20th century book as reading practice and to make sure when we discuss current events we talk about the more recent history that led to those events.

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