I see that if you start the Bible/history studies in 1st grade, you’ll go through each cycle twice by 12th grade. But what if you switch curriculums and start SCM history say in 4th grade? Then you’ll go through 3 of the cycles twice, but then you’ll go through the other 3 only once. Is this a problem in any way? Would you be missing out on anything doing it this way? How do you accommodate for that?
The most important thing to remember is that “missing something” is pretty subjective. There will always be things we missed and we have to accept that. You have a few options starting later. You could start at the beginning and just plug along, ending wherever you end. You could look to high school and plan it so you end with the proper credits you need for graduation. In my area that would mean being sure to get the last two modules in before graduation. If you have done some history already you could just pick up wherever you are. So if you have already done ancients you could skip the first two or three modules and go right to middle ages. you could work it out so you would be in the Rome module in 9th grade. Then decide how to handle 4th – 8th, do what interests you, or the time periods you haven’t studied yet. If you start with Genesis/Egypt in 6th grade that gives you two years (4th/5th) to kinda piddle around in whatever time you want. You could also start at module 1 in 4th and then in 11th/12th revisit the times that your junior/senior is interested in. One benefit of doing ancients in upper years is the depth of Bible/apologetics you can get into when you study early cultures and Biblical truths. My youngest will get to revisit Old Testament times as a junior/senior and I am really looking forward to it. So many options. Just remember it isn’t about how much you can cram into the student’s head, but how much do they care about people and places when you are all done. Have fun.