Ok so I had revamped my history this last year to make things more age appealing and to utilize more of what I have. The problem is. . my going into 5th grader has done what ‘will be’ planned for the year. He’s done Romans, Greeks, and will be in 6th going on to America.
I have a weird year for him now he’s either done all before 5th grade or not yet ready to do what’s coming up in the coming years. What would you do? He did a LOT for 4th grade last year and I’m half tempted to let him skip history this year and do some more literature books of his choice?
What about a geography year? That’s what we’re doing as a family this year. You can see my plans here. Our plan is world geography but another idea is a 50 states year. Or a state history year, like Ohio history (or wherever you live, for some reason it escapes me at the moment!). What about an inventors year, scientist year, etc where you focus on biographies? There are SO many possibilities!
Thank you for such wonderful ideas! This is great….I will ask him to maybe pick 3 different things to touch on and we’ll split it for the year. A ‘taste’ year! I love it!! So will he, as he gets board so quickly with one subject all on the same thing.
Other ideas still very welcome as then I have more to offer on the plate for him
What about a focus on Eastern Hemisphere or a culutural study? LindaFay from Charlotte Mason Help uses a spin off of Sonlight’s Year 5. You can find the books and schedules here…