I pretty much followed the SCM planning guide. here is my plan with questions along the way:
History, Bible, Geography: module 2 SCM and recommended books
Language Arts:
Spelling Wisdom 1-70 Transcription
Hymns in Prose, Apologia Jr. Notebook copy work – how often do you require copywork in 3rd with someone who very much dislikes it and developed incorrect or bad habits from PS education? We learned Zaner-Bloser cursive last year due to interest. What do I require in print and in cursive? She incorrectly forms print letters and is trying to undue the habits but struggles. Cursive is much better. Tips?
Group 2&3 literature selections – are these all still read aloud or on her own if she is capable? If on her own, do I pick something else for read aloud? I have Friends and More Friends on her to read list already. How much do you require a child to read independently that reads well?
MathUSee Gamma
Zoology 2 with Jr. notebook
Daily girls devotion on her own and additional reading ?
I guess most of my questions are around copywork, penmanship, and reading aloud versus independent.
Thank you for any input.
I have a rising 3rd grader who does not enjoy handwriting. I require him to write a little bit everyday. I don’t know that there is a right or wrong answer to your question about which to stress – print or cursive. Some kids do print first then cursive, some do cursive first. Whichever one you choose to focus on will need daily practice. From the beginning of 2nd grade until now my son has gone from writing about 8 words in a sitting to about 20 words. I say, just follow your child’s lead on what amount is appropriate for her.
We also do both read aloud and independent reading. Independent reading is on the child’s reading level while read aloud books are read as a family and is typically above the child’s reading level.
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