2nd grader is a great reader with horrible handwriting

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  • Kari Robke


    I will be homeschooling for the first time starting this fall. My son will be in the second grade this fall when we begin homeschool. He has been in public school for kindergarten and 1st grade. He is a proficient reader and can devour chapter books, but his handwriting is atrocious.

    Because of this, I am not sure what course of action to take with his individual studies for grade 2. Based on his handwriting, he would need track A; but based on his reading level, he would need track B. Is there a way I can have him improve his print before moving onto learning cursive without using readers that are too easy for him?

    Thank you!

    Karen Smith

    Children in those early years of formal lessons vary greatly when learning to read and write. The Individual Studies lesson plans for grades 1-3 offer only two possible schedules. (Space doesn’t allow us to have a schedule for the many variations.) Because every child is an individual, feel free to mix and match between the two tracks, and even skip what your child isn’t ready for yet.

    One possibility for you would be to have your son use A Child’s Copybook Readers, vol. 1-3 for handwriting practice, New Friends and More New Friends for reading practice, and skip the Print to Cursive Proverbs. So, follow Track A for handwriting and Track B for reading. Print to Cursive Proverbs is also scheduled in Track A for grade 3, so it is okay for him to wait a year (or two, if needed) before learning cursive.

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