2nd Grade Science Feedback/Suggestions

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study 2nd Grade Science Feedback/Suggestions

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  • shernandez

    We have been slowly migrating toward a more Charlotte Mason style education (mixed with our prior Classical method), and I am now working on our science program. So far, this is what we are doing. I am currently reading aloud from Madam How and Lady Why (slowly, but it is a big hit). DD narrates back and normal draws a picture in her notebook about what we read (optional). Every time we go to the library (generally once a week), she picks out several science titles to read. Most of these center around tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. It’s what she is into right now, and I let her read (and re-read) as many of the books she can find on that topic. She also watches documentaries on netflix (not directed by me…she just has an interest and I let her watch away whenever she asks). So, is this about right? And any suggestions about other great read alouds? She is a bit obsessed about natural disasters, so any that have to do with that would we great. However, I want her to be fairly well-rounded, so I try to include other topics, as well.



    There is a short chapter book Sonlight uses about a dog and a tornado storm called Tornado by Betsy Byars.  I think you are on the right track with a read aloud and drawings and oral narrations.  I suggest adding a weekly nature study and notebook.  Sky and weather can be included in it.

    We have enjoyed Outdoor Secrets and companion books from SCM at that age.  My children also read from Christian Liberty Press Nature Readers each year.  They seem to really take interest in nonfiction science books at 2nd and 3rd grade, like Eyewitness and Usborne type of books with lots of pictures.  My Dd liked Magic School Bus then.  It sounds good to go to the library often to feast on these books in free time.


    We are reading Arabella Buckley’s Trees and Shrubs.  It’s part of a series called “Eyes and No Eyes”.  There are about 6 books and each is on a different topic (birds, insects, flowers, etc.) and they are in the public domain.

    Another great book is the Handbook of Nature Study if you don’t already have a copy.  I read up on the topic we are studying, then share some of what I’ve read with my DC.  Following the readings are questions to ask them while examining an object or living creature.


    Wings2Fly, it’s fun to know that her fascination is an age-based thing:) She has really been into non-fiction science titles since this summer and that is the section she immediately heads toward at the library. I definitely want to integrate more nature study, but sometimes with 4 under 3, that can be difficult to do;) We do try to go on nightly walks, though.

    Holly5, I actually have that series from part of a Yesterday’s Classics set I have, so I will break those out, too. I wasn’t sure how she would take the Madam How book, as it is a bit wordy, but when we got to science today, that was the first thing she asked for.

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