2012-2013 year plan: What do you think?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education 2012-2013 year plan: What do you think?

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  • 4myboys

    So, here is my tentative line-up for next year.  I would appreciate any comments:

    Grade 6: (12 yo ds)

    Math: 5x week – MUS Delta, Business Math Sports Shop when Delta is complete, Possibly start Epsilon 

    Science: 3-4x week – Finish Zoology 1, Complete Zoology 2

    Copy Work: 4-5x week using various sources, cursive italic handwriting

    Spelling: 1-2x week- Spelling Wisdom book 1

    Written Narrations: (will just be starting) 1x week 1st term, 2x second term, 3x third term.  Some narrations that he dictates to me will be used as copy work. 

    English/Grammar: 4x week – Intermediate Language Lessons

    Typing: 3x week – Dance Mat typing to start

    Personal Development: 4x week – 252 Basics and/or Plants Grown Up

    French: 3 x week The Easy French

    History/Bible/Geography: 5x week – Mod 1 followed by Mod 2 (1/2)

    Scripture Memory: 5x week (Monthly 252 Basic verse for virtue plus a weekly verse)

    Literature: Exact books TBD.  At least 3 independant and 3 read aloud per term depending on length.

    Poetry, Composer, Artist, Shakespear: 1x week – TBD


    Grade 3: (8yo ds)

    Same as above except:

    Math: Finish MUS Gamma (if we haven’t over summer), MUS Delta, Business Math Sports Store

    English/Grammar: Primary Language Lessons

    Spelling & Typing: Start second term if he chooses.  No written narrations this year.

    I need both boys to be able to work as independently as possible in the mornings, so this time will be spent working on some or all of the following depending on the day (kind of a modified work book approach):

    Math Worksheets (bout 20 -30 min)

    Independant Bible reading and devotional (about 10 min)

    PLL/ILL when possible (about 10-15 min)

    Assigned readings (30-60 mins dependent on child and day spaced between other assignments.  Record audio narrations for later evaluation.)

    Typing (about 10 mins)

    Notebook page

    Handicraft or drawing

    Possible educational video relating to a topic being studied

    Complete previous day’s unfinished assignment(s)

    Independent research

    (occassionally) educational computer game

    Out-door free time or indoor board game (remainder of morning)


    I’m really not sure yet about handicraft and life skills.  The boys help with home reno projects (they are outside demoing the old deck with dad as I type this.  Tomorrow they’ll start construction on the new deck).  My older ds has completed a few wood working projects.  He’s also interested in photography and cooking (as is the younger).  They will both be continuing to do chores and learn how to do bigger chores (older has started to use the lawn tractor so he is learning how to clean and maintain it), Younger can do laundry with supervision.  Life skills is more the things that they learn to do every day as the need/occassion arises. 

    I also don’t have a set plan for Phys Ed.  We try to be active — swim once a week, bike, hike, walks around the block (about 2.5 km), older ds plays ball hockey in the summer with a league, and plays with dad and some friends Thursdays when the weather’s decent.  They play on the trampoline spring to fall, swim in our pool in the summer.  We have a treadmill and Wii Fit and other active games for the Wii for those days unfit to be out.  Unfortunately I have a hard time being very consistant with Phys Ed.   






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