1st grader….

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    I’ve been trying to get my 1st grader to listen to the family read aloud for history. Today was ch 2 in Christopher Columbus by Rhodes.  She could not care less to listen to any of it.  Same with the other family read alouds for history (currently Ink on His Fingers).  Are 1st graders supposed to be able to pay attention AT ALL?????  And when I read a paragraph or two and ask her for narration, she will rarely have anything to say AND my 5th grader ends up in a bad mood waiting for my 1st grader to listen.  Today I just let my 5th grader read alone, but my 1st grader didn’t get any history at all.  UGH!!!!!!  How would y’all handle it????


    Personally, i do not worry about it. Most 1st graders are getting no history, just basic social studies. Your 1st grader will cycle back through 🙂

    I do require them to sit close abd be quiet though. Sometimes doing play dough, quietly playing cars… over time they start listening and learn with out you knowing.

    I know it is suggested to read a paragraph or 2 and narrate to start, but my kids dislike that. I will sometimes pause after a page or so, but stopping too often they loose focus and dont follow the reading as well.

    My kids really got going with narration by retelling me their favorite stories, and it naturally grew into them narrating for History and Science.

    I would likely take a step back from history narration for your 1st grader and practice with other types of books. Help him find the joy of telling you about what he read or just heard.


    Also how old? My son with late year birthday was “old” first grader, but my daughter was younger first grader with spring birthday. I notice how even a few months older really changes maturity and expextations for the early grades


    My second grade boy still doesnt get much into our family read alouds for history. Maybe because the books we choose are for older students. I let him play or draw quietly nearby, sometimes he will pick up something he finds interesting but usually not. I have a special lunchtime read aloud that is specifically geared toward him. Right now he is loving the Burgess Animal Stories and has no problem narrating. This is the first chapter book he has really gotten into. He will cycle through again like Sarah said.


    She turned 6 in May.

    Such a HUGE difference in children, isn’t it? My 5th grader was an excellent reader by 3 1/2. WILD!!  So I just read to her in 1st and she narrated and that was that!  LOL!  Now this child in 1st is just now interested in reading.  I guess as she learns to read, she will want to listen and learn more??

    My 5th grader is now to the point where she hates me doing read alouds for history.  She wants to hop in a chair with a blanket and soak in the history.  I LOVE READING IT! HA!  Such a different world for us right now! LOL


    Thank you for your help!!




    What if yougive her a coloring page that’s related to the history reading to work on and tell her you’re going to learn about that person/event? Maybe something to make it more interactive would help?


    My 1st grader just turned 7, but doesn’t get much from family history readings either.  She does narrate from her Outdoor Secrets book and the accompanying books scheduled in the lesson plans.  The Rhodes book would not hold her attention at this point.  For history, she generally just narrates from picture books or illustrated chapter books like Holling C Holling and the Daulaires’ books.

    None of my DC have narrated well with regular chapter books until about 8 or 9 years old.  Short stories and picture books have held their attention much better.  I allow quiet play or drawing during family time, even for the older ones.  I’ve found them to narrate better when they are drawing or coloring!

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