1st Grade Math – Adding Living Books?

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  • HSMom03

    We are planning on using Singapore Math (1A and 1B) this upcoming school year.  I am hoping to supplement with living books from the library.  How hard would it be to compile a booklist for this?  Ideally, the books would correlate with what we are studying each week.  Anyone know of any websites, resources that would help me do this?

    Or… I know that My Father’s World First Grade schedules hands math + math literature (and more).  I wonder if I should just go with that?  I was seriously considering it for a long time.  I just keep finding other things that look fun too, but I need to pick one or the other.



    Check out living math.net. I read a lot of these books to my kids. I don’t line up subjects exactly, but just do ones in the right level of difficulty. Ds6 taught himself about types of triangles just by reading library books I gave him.


    Thanks!  I will check it out!  I guess I don’t have to line anything up really – good point :).


    I use living math too, but I do try to line up topics. It doesn’t always work out but I do my best.

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