Hi Ladies, I’m wondering if you would share what you will be using/have used for your 1st grader for History and Geography? Has anyone used the SCM books? I’m interested in them especially since they go in chronological order. This is the one subject where I’m really lost and would appreciate some guidance. Thank you kindly!
We did Module 5 last year, using the guide and suggested books and it was a smooth year. My oldest was in 1st. I am looking forward to working my way through the guides
Hi Sarah, thanks for your input. Have you used any of the “Visits To” geography series books? I guess I’m confused if I need to purchase one of those in addition to the lesson plan book. THanks!
We used Module 1 (Ancient Egypt) for our first year. The modules are so easy, thorough, and enjoyable.
If you purchase (for example) Module 1, you will be getting a lesson book. In that book is a list of resources needed – you will need to purchase the family ones, plus whichever grade level your child is at. You can preview that list for any of the modules by clicking on them on the free curriculum guide or by downloading the free samples. So, if you are doing Mod 1-3, then yes, you will need the “Visits to ____” book that correlates with your Module.
I’ved used Modules 2-6 with my kids (3, 6, 9, 12). They are wonderfully done, not overly heavy and make things simple.
For the history modules, purchase the handbook and the go-along books for the grade levels you are covering. The Visits To books are workbooks for geography and culture. You need one per child.
The “visits to” are new, just came out they are the Geography portion that goes along with the Mod guide. I have not used, but I am planning on using this year. It says one per child but since my oldest is in 2nd and next one in K (tagging along) I got one book and we will be doing most of the answers verbally.
We will be using SCM module 1 for first grade this year. I like that its all laid out and I don’t have to think what I am going to read that day, etc. I also like that its chronological and ties the bible in with history. I have not purchased the “Visits to” book. I had planned on doing Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography (free online) on the day scheduled for geography, but also looking at the various places on the map and maybe getting some library books on Africa for my daughter to read/look at. The Visits workbook sounds great, but if money is tight (like here) you could do something like that.
We stayed with American history when mine were that little. I read aloud Stories of Great Americans for Little Americans and they listened to James Baldwin’s Fifty Famous Stories and Thirty More Famous Stories frequently (which has world lit. and historical characters, legends and myths); also William Bennett’s Book of Virtues as well as other various books for their age and the topic.
For geography, just worked mainly with a puzzle of the USA.
We tried Module 1 with my little ones, Kinder (really should have been 1st grade but she’s very immature yet bright) and 3rd grade last year. I continued with Bible but had to set aside the rest. Egypt was just a bit above them, though the new Ancient Egpyt and Her Neighbors is absolutely amazing. We did some geography as it pertained to Bible, which was wonderful.
This year we are continuing with Module 2, but only for Bible and the additional books for grades 1-3 and one or two 4-6. Our spine will be Child’s History of the World. When we come back around to Mod 2 we will use the Guerber.
Sonya has made implementing CM such a dream for a larger family, as well. I’m endlessly thankful.
We are just reading through some biographies for history this year. I am aiming for one Landmark biography per month or so, planning to go through an overview of American history in 2 years (1st and 2nd grade). I was originally planning on doing module 1/ancient history but DS really enjoys american history more right now, and I wanted something a bit more flexible since we are hoping to adopt children this year. Basically we are reading together, and he narrates orally. I think I may type up his narration and/or have him illustrate but haven’t decided for sure. We are going to use either a timeline and/or a family book of centuries to get the big picture. We are also going through the OT for Bible so we will add those events/people to our timeline/BOC as well.
We are not doing formal geography this year. DS really enjoys geography so I’m just doing student led. Once a week he will have time at his history/Bible/geography table with some different resources for him to check out. I also like the geography paper dolls from education.com and will have those included at his table. Whenever something is mentioned, we look it up on the globe/map so the kids are already good at geography from informal study.
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