1st grade dilemma…Miquon + what 1st or 2nd grade curriculum?

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    DD is finishing up K in a Christian school.  She’s completed their 1st grade math which is a very light curriculum.  We’ve also been using Miquon math at home and she’s almost finished with the Red book (technically 1st grade but introduce some pretty advanced concepts).  Next year we’ll be homeschooling and I’m not sure what to do for math.  We’ll definitely continue with the next two Miquon books (“2nd grade”) and daily drills until she memorizes the addition and subtraction facts.  I have looked at Math Mammoth and Saxon math for 1st grade and she’s already learned almost everything both curriculums cover except word problems, 2 digit by 2 digit addition, and counting with mixed coins. She seems to pick up math pretty easily I think she could pick up those concepts in a few lessons over the summer if necessary.

    So in addition to the Miquon do I:

    1. use a few supplemental pages of Math Mammoth 1 to cover the topics she doesn’t know yet and just have a light year for math

    2. move her into Math Mammoth 2

    3. use an entirely different second curriculum like Queen’s Math Lessons for a Living Education?

    To further complicate things there’s a good chance she’ll go back into a Christian school for 2nd grade and she’d then be using Saxon 2 for math.


    Oh, don’t you just love all of the wonderful choices we have for curriculum!?  It’s so good, but can be so confusing!  I can’t speak for Miquon or for Saxon, or for Math Mammoth 2…but we did just finish Math Mammoth 1, so I can give you a little idea about our experiences with it.

    We loved it.  It is really heavy on learning to think mathematically, so a lot of word problems.  Since it’s a mastery curriculum, I’m hoping someone could chime in about what Math Mammoth 2 covers – but in year 1, we spent quite a bit of time learning the things you listed that she hasn’t covered yet (vs. just lightly touching on the subjects).  I don’t think you could go wrong having her complete MM 1.  Plus, the price is right! 

    I hope more people will give you opinions who have used the other programs. 



    Is there a reason you do not want to continue with just Miquon? 

    The Math Mammoth blue series is good for filling in concepts. 


    It seems like Miquon doesn’t cover all of things a typical 1st grade curriculum covers so I guess I’m afraid she’ll be behind if she does go back to school for 2nd grade.  I actually was given complete Math Mammoth 1 and Saxon 1 curriculums so I do have them already if I want to use all/part of either.  Just not sure what the best thing to do is.


    That makes sense. 



    We use Miquon by itself.  My son did three books a year (1st and second) and my daughter is going a little slower.  The only thing that it really doesnt cover is word problems…but because my kids understand the math concepts they have easily demonstrated how to use it in real life.  We’ve really enjoyed it and its amazing how much my kids have picked up and how quickly.  


    I don’t know about any of these programs (we use MOTL and just started Life of Fred), but it doesn’t look like you need to worry too much.  You said she is going into first grade, but already knows most of the concepts for both of the first grade curricula you have.  If you like Miquon, just continue with that.  Since she may move into Saxon 2, just check to see that all the concepts from Saxon 1 are covered by Miquon.  If not, teach them whenever you think is appropriate, and otherwise just enjoy Miquon.

    At this level, I personally don’t think there is a lot to worry about with math.  The concepts are pretty basic.  My DD far exceeded anything in our province’s grade one ‘Course of Studies’ by just playing Jumpstart games before she even started school!

    Speaking of which, you could always look up your state/province’s official course of studies to make sure you are hitting all the first grade skills in Miquon, and just supplement if there is anything missing.



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