106 days of creation for 6/7 yo?

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    would this book be appropriate for a 1st grader if used 2 days per week next year or would it be too much?  are the read alouds that are recommended geared well for this age?


    We started this about a year and a half ago so my middle boy (he’s almost 8) would’ve been just 6.  He has enjoyed it all the way through.  Now, we have taken our time to get through it, don’t ask, we’ve had all the supplies, etc., but just took our time.  We are on the last day of creation now, I think, and the only book he has had trouble following was Blacky the Crow.  I let him listen or not, but my 11yo ds really liked it. 

    We go through a charter school and I was unsure that they would accept some of my samples, they don’t copy well, plus I just couldn’t part with some of their drawings, etc., so we did incorporate other resources that I would be willing to part with.  That’s probably what took up some of our time. 

      The binders the boys have created are something I will enjoy looking through in the years to come.  And, I will begin my youngest at about six with the same program:)


    We are finishing up with 106 Day now with my 4 (5 next week!) and 7 1/2 year old.  We have all loved it.  Their binders are wonderful and full of great work.  I wish there was a module for science like there is for hist/geo/Bible.  My 4 year old followed the Thornton Burgess books very well, but she loves being read to, animals, and chapter books (they make her feel grown up!).  Her narrations were not nearly as complete as her sister, but fine for her age.  For her b-day. Grandpa is getting her a large set of Thornton Burgess books from Dover and I am sure she will be thrilled.  We use it three days per week plus one day for nature study and will be finishing our year similar to a standard school year.  106 Days has given me the confidence to try science with all living books next year so I am looking forward to that and feel I can supplement on my own with what I have learned from teaching with this.


    I agree.  I wish there were modules set up the same way for the science like there are for the other subjects, too.  I want to do the same for my 4yo ds, but I could just wait until he’s little older and when I reuse some of the same resources, my older boys may enjoy them again.  But to ask them to do them with him probably wouldn’t work out.  My  oldest will be ready for something heavier anyway.

    How I wish I had understood the CM method 2 years ago, like I do now.  Hindsight is definitely 20/20:)


    thanks so much! i am going to be using it with my 6 and 4 yo’s, so it sounds like it will work great.  thanks so much! 🙂

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