We started this in September (4th grader) but were waiting for Considering God’s Creation to come in the mail to go further. Bought it through Amazon. Needless to say we had problems with the seller (only recieved the teacher guide not the complete set like advertised) and we were waiting to get our money refunded. So here we are in to November, money has been refunded but I am wondering if this is absolutly necessary? I am tired of waiting for science.
As a side not, Amazon handled this well and I would buy from them again. It was a seperate seller that uses the Amazon market.
I don’t think it is. It adds more “meat” to the program, but you can do that on your own with a rabbit trail on the particular lesson you are doing. I have Considering God’s Creation, and I don’t care for it. I like Apologia better and am going to use that to supplement some.
My kids don’t really like to cut, glue and color, so they did not like CGC. I am sure you can find similar sheets on Enchanted learning or some free sites if you google it. On their website they give a complete list of topics. We did really like all their Scientist Detective pages, so it may be worth it for that.
Most of them. Some of them, while absolutely lovely, are out of print; so the library will have to help. I have littles, so I’m not trying to use anything else with 106 DOC other than the book suggestions. I think it is quite sufficient with the books that are listed, and it is wonderfully written. I got Considering God’s Creation used, so I thought I would use some of it here and there. I just didn’t care for it. It’s the only book Sonya has suggested that I didn’t like. It could be wonderful for someone else, it just didn’t fit us.
It’s so hard for me to type that I didn’t care for something. I hope I don’t come across as negative. I really like Apologia and am using their lessons when we run across something we want more of.
Thank you Cindie and Jamie for your responses. We will move forward! Jpkr, my library had all of the books so far. Even yellow and pink. So we have not bought anything yet, except for my mishap with Considering Gods Creation. I am planning on using someone elses suggesstion about the videos from netflix for the moody videos when I get there. So I think I will beable to do this without any more out of pocket expense.
Just wondering if anyone has used 106 days with only PreK and K age children? Does it work well for that age as well as for the olders? I am considering using it along with LHFHG from HOD. Thanks for your input!
Technically, CM doesn’t really recommend formal school until age 6 and beyond. Having said that, I think it can be used for K. I own it and love it, but I don’t want to rush science (other than nature study) until 1st grade. It’s a great handbook!
I’m going to be using it for a K age child, so I’m wondering the same thing. I have the book and it looks like you can adjust it for a younger child. I know this doesn’t answer your question, but just wanted to let you know that someone else is wondering the same thing!!
I followed the one in the actual handbook. I’m not trying to get the Moody videos. Netflix actually has some DVDs that I like for this. Let me go look and see if I can find that link again.
Okay. I found it. It’s call Wonders of God’s Creation. I’ve watched them myself and like them; however, my three year old lost interest, they might be for an older crowd.
I use 106 Days for my Kindergardener (son) and 1st grader (daughter) and they are both handeling it well. It’s easy and very understandable. At least for us as I am very scientific/nature minded!