Category Preschool

Posts and articles about Charlotte Mason’s approach to the preschool years.

Charlotte Mason Preschool Picture Books

How to Choose a Good Picture Book

Do a quick search on Amazon for picture books, and you are suddenly faced with more than 60,000 titles. Think of it: 60,000 picture books to choose from. That’s a lot of books! In fact, if you could stack all…

Charlotte Mason Preschool Curriculum

New Preschool Resource: Our Preschool Life

I talk to mamas all over the country who are feeling pressure with their preschoolers. They’re being pressured to push academics, to focus on reading and writing and math facts with their three-, four-, and five-year-olds. Perhaps you’re the mother…

Charlotte Mason Preschool and Kindergarten Activities and Lessons

Your Questions Answered: Preschool Activities

The biggest job that a preschool child has is to explore his surroundings and make sense of the world around him. As he uses his five senses, he’s forming crucial connections in his brain. And those connections will help him…

Charlotte Mason Preschool Homeschool Priorities

Your Top Priorities for Preschool

Young children spend the first five or six years of their lives busily making sense out of life around them. Their brains are on overdrive: observing, categorizing, comparing, discriminating, problem solving, experimenting, testing, assimilating. For example, let’s say you hand…