Category Encouragement

Thoughts, quotes, and ideas to refresh and encourage you as a parent and homeschool teacher.

Charlotte Mason Hints for Teachers Homeschool

Hints to Teachers

On my bookshelf I have a copy of a book from the early 1900s that was used in Charlotte Mason’s schools. Many books like this contain an introduction full of helpful comments, but the introduction to this book is so…

Charlotte Mason Homeschool Assessment

Give Your Home School a KISS

In the spring and summer, many of us turn our thoughts to evaluating our home schools. How are things going? What changes might we want to make? Some states or provinces require that you write some kind of end-of-the-school-year assessment.…

Be Home

Be Home

All right, I just have to say that I’m going to miss seeing you in person! I was really looking forward to getting together with you at homeschool conventions this spring. Now that many of them are canceled, we will…

Chat with Pam Barnhill

A Chat with Pam Barnhill

My friend Pam Barnhill stopped by today and she sat down to have a little chat with us. Some of you might know her from her popular podcast, Homeschool Solutions. Sonya: Pam, thanks so much for joining us today. Pam:…

mother and son charlotte mason encouragement

Let Us Not Grow Weary

I just spent a weekend at a conference with some wonderful homeschooling mamas: some who are new to homeschooling and some who are veterans. As I was chatting with one mama who is just in the midst of her first…

Children as Persons Charlotte Mason

The Heart of Education

As the mother of a special needs child, I appreciate those who are able to look past the differences and see the similarities. Yes, some children have special needs, but all children have many needs that are the same no…

Mother Culture book

An Interview with Karen Andreola

About twenty-five years ago, when I started homeschooling, I didn’t have the Internet. (I’ll pause here for a minute to let that sink in.) . . . I heard about Charlotte Mason at a state homeschool conference and immediately went…