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Category CM-Style Assessment
The wonderful methods Charlotte Mason used to assess short-term, intermediate, and long-term memory.
What Exam Week Sounds Like in a Charlotte Mason Home School
How to Handle Poor Exam Answers
End of Term Exams in the Charlotte Mason Method
Final exams. What memories does that phrase bring to your mind? Too often final exams are approached like evil dragons that students must occasionally slay. And too often a student prepares for the fight much like a foolish knight who…
Pre-reading Reviews
The past few weeks we’ve been discussing Charlotte Mason methods for assessing what our children remember. Last time we looked briefly at narration. Now, those of you who have already read it, no peeking. What do you recall about narration?…
The Charlotte Mason Method of Narration
Last week we started a new series discussing the Charlotte Mason methods we can use to evaluate, or assess, what our children are learning. If you missed that introduction, you can read it on our SCM Blog. Today let’s talk…
How Much Does My Child Remember?
As we wrap up a school year and plan for the next one, the question lurks in the back of our minds: How much does my child remember? Some assessments are built right in to the subject, like math and…