Year Round School Schedule

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    Tomorrow is our last day of school before Christmas break!  Hallelujah!  DD and I are both burnt out and ready for a break!  We’ve had a rough week.  We are both tired, and I have felt a lot of stress with Christmas activities on top of schooling.  We are behind in a couple of subjects, but we are getting to a stopping point by finishing up Term 1, so after the exams and a party with our co-op tomorrow we are done until January.

    I have always been fascinated with year round schooling ever since I went into the teaching field.  It didn’t work out this first year of homeschooling since we decided so late to do it, but next year I would like to start in early July and have a nice BIG break in December to do some things I would like to do with my kids – baking, Christmas decorating, Christmas crafts, etc.  I want to enjoy the holidays more instead of feeling overwhelmed with getting school in, cleaning house, and then not having time to do some fun things.

    So, my question is: for those of you who school year round what does your calendar look like? 


    We school year round and have from the beginning and love it!  We usually have a 4 day school schedule, because my husband works a 4 day work week, and it just seems to work out that we don’t get school done on a day he’s home!  We always take a week off at Thanksgiving – but take at least one educational trip during that time.  We take the week or so between Christmas and New Years off.  We take 2 weeks off in August to visit family – but, we usually school one week while we are down there, and go on lots of education trips, and then 2 weeks off at some other point in time for a family vacation, always filled with TONS of educational trips.  So even our “time off” is not legally time off since we are learning so many things. Oh – and we ALWAYS take off for “beautiful weather days”.  The public schools get off for snow days.  We take off for the first few beautiful days of spring to enjoy the weather! We tried taking the month of December off once, to do lots of baking and crafts and such, but it really was too much time off for us.

    I schedule my week by Day 1 – 5 instead of a Monday through Friday like someone else here suggested and it has worked like a charm!  When I originally started homeschooling, my husband usually worked 5 days a week, sometimes 4.  So Fridays always seemed to get skipped a lot, and therefore we seemed to fall behind on things that were scheduled for Friday – ie: Science would be scheduled for Wed and Fri.  But if we skipped school often on Fridays, we were only getting 1 day of science done.  We then switched to a Day 1 – 5 schedule.  So at the start of a term we school Mon – Thurs. and the first week we do a Day 1 – 4.  The following week on Monday, we start on Day 5, tuesday would be Day 1, Wednesday would be Day 2, Thurs. would be Day 3, and the following week we’d start on Day 4.  This way, we weren’t consistantly skipping any particular day,  and we can easily add in more school days for the weeks where my husband works 5 or 6 days during the week. 


    This has made our whole schooling much more flexible.  We are able to spend the weekends doing whatever we want!  We go on errands as a family, go on educational trips to local museums or zoos (by the way – getting a family pass to a local museum is a GREAT investment if it participates in a reciprical (sp?) program.  We are members to our local science museum, and the membership allows us to go to museums all over the US for free!  Anytime we travel, we try to make it a point to visit a museum that is included in our membership, and it’s great to have the freedom to decided to spend a rainy afternoon at a local museum for the price of gas to get there!)  The kids enjoy more free time and it also helps me to be more flexible when things are just not going well.  I don’t have the overwhelming anxiety of “Oh no!  We need to get schooling done!”  Because our school year never stops!  So if we miss some because we’re feeling burnt out, or I’ve hit  a rough patch of a pregnancy or whatever, I really don’t sweat too much over it!  Hope this helps!!


    We school 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off. We take extra weeks here and there. We take all of June off. Our school year starts in September. So we do half a term, 2 weeks off at the end of October. We just finished our second half term, taking 3 weeks for Christmas. We will do the first half of term 2 beginning in January. Mid february 2 week break. Back at it for 6 weeks, 2 weeks for spring break. Begin third term in mid April, take 4 weeks in June. Our final half term is a light summer one from July to mid August and we take 2 weeks and then begin a new school year in Sept.

    I love the schedule so far. I only have to plan 6 weeks at a time. Then every break I can do extra cleaning, we always plan a fun trip, and spend a few hours one day planning the next half term. Plus our summers are awful hot so instead of laying around in the air conditioning all July we can have school and have more time off during our beautiful weather times like October.



    Today was our last day of school for the year.

    We school Jan.-Dec. & LOVE it!!

    We never break for more than 3 weeks at a time. Usually it’s 2.

    But, the one time we took 5-6 weeks off even my hubby said “never again”

    It’s been tweaked a little over the years, but I’m REALLY excited to start 2012.

    This year we’ll do light days on Monday with Nature Study,

    Tuesday is Bible Study for Mum & Missions Class for the boys with Music Lessons,

    Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are the more “focused” academics days.

    {Just realized these are some of the thoughts I was putting together for my blog post next week 😉 }


    We have done year-round schooling in a variety of ways.  Sometimes it’s been four weeks on, one week off, with longer breaks in between– that was probably my favorite schedule.  We’ve also tried six weeks on with a two week break.  I think that break is a bit too long since it seems to take a few days to get back into the swing of things after two weeks off.  


    We’re in our second year of homeschooling and have switched this year to a year round schedul~~we LOVE it!  We took all of June off and began school right after the 4th of July weekend.  We do school 3 weeks on/1 week off.  I had problems with the girls’ attention spans last year following a more traditional school year schedule –we just seemed to burn out quicker…all of us….and then after those long breaks it seemed to take forever to get back into the routine where I felt like we were actually getting somewhere with our academics.  I knew I needed to break that cycle, so reading what the ladies on here do really inspired me to try this.  It works wonderfully!!  We do school, fully engaged and without hitting a burnout point for 3 weeks.  During that time, there are alWAys things that come up that we would like to do, as well as eduational things we already plan….so during our 1 week off, we make sure that those things/events are then enjoyed, and it also allows me time to prepare for the next 3 weeks.  I cannot imagine changing anytime soon, of course as the girls get older I will re-evaluate , if needed.  Our home life is more peaceful and this has brought homeschooling to more of a way of life than last year.  We schedule 2 weeks off for Christmas/New Year and 1 week off for the girls’ birthdays (their birthdays fall the same week, although they are 3 years apart 😉  ) We intend to take 1 week off for a family vacation to Disney this Spring and along with the handful of long weekends the regular calendar year provides (that Daddy gets off, so we take off that day as well), we are perfectly happy.  Good luck!!!!!!!


    We’ve been year round schooling for years.

    I think of our year in quarters. Jan/Feb/March, April/May/June, July/August/Sept., and Oct/Nov./Dec. Each quarter has 13 weeks, and I plan on doing school for 9 of those weeks. Each quarter we can take off 4 weeks and most of these breaks are unplanned.

    Our only preplanned breaks are for Christmas, Easter, and  family vacations. Our unplanned breaks are visits from out of town family, and illnesses. We also take time off for a variety of other reasons. I try not to take off longer than 2 weeks at a time.




    I was prepared to write out what we do for year round schooling but after reading the posts first, we school year round EXACTLY like Laura.bora! We have been doing this for 2 years now and we absolutely love it! We begin August 1st and finish sometime late June or early July. Our day off is Fridays and it leaves me all day that day for grocery shopping, errands, chiro appts, etc. We also get to take so many fun family trips throughout the year without getting behind. In February we’re headed to the Creation Museum in Ohio!!


    I am so ready to do this! Thanks for the tips and suggestions everyone!


    We school year-round, similar to WendyB and Laura.Bora. I have a 5 day schedule printed, but might finish those 5 days into the next week if we take a few days of for whatever Life throws at us. We take off for birthdays and holidays. It is hard in the summer on nice days when everyone else is out of school and we have work to do, but it is fine on those too hot days! We don’t take anymore than 2 weeks off. I also do part-time some weeks, like MWF or TuTh. We have half days on Fridays because we usually go meet with the local hs group. We take a few field trips each year to museums and the zoo. I am more flexible that what I used to be, and that has helped.


    Thanks ladies, we’ll be going year round this year too and I will definitely be using these ideas.


    I am planning on teaching year round as well. It seems that they “forget” things a lot quicker when we take the standard summer off. Besides, in Texas we have HOT summers and this past one with 120 degrees for almost 50 days straight prompted me to start school early. We started off around the end of July and by mid August the kids were so stir crazy from being stuck inside, I started schooling them LOL Cool

    Going year round is a bit more relaxed too. If I have a “deadline” for a textbook or something and life throws us a loop, I get stressed about being “off schedule”.

    Thanks for the great ideas!!!

    God bless and Merry CHRISTmas!!!

    Katrina in AK

    Thank you ladies for this wealth of information.  I’ve made many notes as I am not very scheduled and need more structure and really want to school year-round. 


    Thanks for all the responses!  I’m not exactly sure which way we will go, but I def. want to take a shorter summer break and spread out the breaks more.  I have a friend who chooses to take a longer spring break, and she starts back up in the summer.  I’m not sure if she does year-round school, but this is appealing as well.  Thanks for sharing your calendar schedule!


    I started the yearly school this past year. I felt that they lost so much over the summer the previous year. I see that it has helped even though I am not much of a good planner. I just know my goals. When we are finished with them for the year we are done. Then I plan out the next year somewhere around the end of June beginning of July. We take off a few weeks or a month and then I slowly ease them into the new school year.  I also do as WendyB. We have unexpected house guests and holidays we take off for. We also try to go to the library on Friday pending everyone has their chores and homework done. If not we make that a school day. This way I get stuff done and I don’t have to feel so guilty to want to get out of the house. It also helps us stay on track a little better. We also try to plan Bible and Virtues on Saturday, and an outting for Sunday. We can count alot of the things we do as School. If we go to the museum that is usually Science. Writing, if you make them write about their outing. My kids are starting to do diaries. If they are making something in the Kitchen it is Science or Home Economics ect… There are always educational value in every home lesson. 🙂

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