Using an Iphone in homeschooling?

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  • Betty Dickerson

    Hi There,

    We are still traveling alot with my dh and trying to homeschool (and trying to sell our house and move…).  So many moms I see have an Iphone now.  My dh even offered me one when needing to replace my cellphone, but not being very techy, I turned it down. 

    I’m wondering now, if it would be helpful.  One mom said it allowed her to check emails and blogs at places like the dentist’s office or in bed after children were sleeping and in turn this helped keep her off the computer during the day.  Some have their calendars on it, school audio books, chimes to remind them to do different things, etc… 

    Being that I’m not a techy, how does the Iphone work, in that what are you charged for?  Do you have to pay for minutes on the internet?  How practical is it for the homeschool mom?

    Also, one fear that I have is that my children would get a hold of it and be exposed to bad things from the internet.  Are there filters for Iphones? 

    Thanks so much.  I’d rather hear from homeschoolers who share my heart than from the Apple guy.




    I have one.  There are no filters on the iPhone.  Last time I checked there aren’t any.  But you can set your phone to have a password on it that allows you to protect against people other than yourself using your phone (except if someone calls you, you can answer it without putting in your password). I wish there were filters but I’ve not had a problem.  I didn’t want an iPhone initially either.  But, I have to say it’s been a blessing.  You can do everything on it.  You can find applications for phonics, math drill, etc.  We are long time Apple users.  I LOVE that the calendar on my computer syncs with my phone and reverse.  So does my address book, email, etc.  So, if I’m at the dentist office I can put our next dental apppointment in my phone easily and it ends up on my phone.  My dh uses maps ALL the time on his phone.  I can’t quite get the hang of it.  All in all, the iPhone is very easy to use.  I can say we do NOT like AT&T.  We are military and move a lot.  We’ve had Verizon for years.  We switched to AT&T just for the iPhone and the service, across the nation is horrible in comparison to Verizon.  Rumor has it that before years end the iPhone will be available for iPhone users. We pay a data fee every month.  It is unlimited texting, internet, etc.  

    Betty Dickerson

    That was so helpful!  I was told the data fee was around $100, does that sound right?  And that includes the phone calls?

    With our traveling, we do use audio books alot.  We also use books that we read online.  I spend alot of time in the car that I could use checking email and reading blogs and free myself up for when we are home. I’m glad it’s fairly easy to use. 

    I’m more of a ink and paper type of gal, but I can see how getting a little technology would be helpful too.

    We are still thinking about it, but I wanted to get as much info as I could to make the decision.  I welcome any other thoughts!





    I am an ink and paper gal too!  My family can’t believe I finally gave in.  I can tell you I don’t miss my paper planner at all.  I have an 18 year old.  It is really nice to be able to see her schedule from my phone as well as my own.  We both have iPods. We use audio books a lot too!  In fact my dh has recorder a lot of school books for us so we can listen in the car.  

    As for the fee, I just don’t remember.  My dh does the finances.  I’d ask him, but he’s in surgery at the moment.  🙂


    One more thing, not homeschool related.  I LOVE Revive our Hearts with Nancy Leigh DeMoss.  I subscribe to her podcasts.  So, when I’m exercising, in the car, cleaning my shower, etc.  I can listen to her programs. 

    I have a Bible on mine as well.  Where ever we are we can read the Bible if something comes up.  I like that too.

    Doug Smith

    Our whole family uses my iPhone:

    – We use it for audiobooks, music, and mapping in the car. The kids will often use the GPS feature to map where we are and where we’re going on long trips.

    – You can load printed books into it. There are free book readers that tie into Gutenberg, plus there is a free Kindle reader for it.

    – I have an entire study Bible on mine.

    – I use the built-in calendar, reminders, and e-mail features quite a bit.

    – You can use just about anything on the Web as you normally would. In fact, the CM Organizer works on it. 🙂

    – I tend to think of my iPhone as a really great pocket computer that happens to make phone calls. There are all sorts of applications you can load into, both paid and free. A couple I’ve seen or used that come to mind for homeschool use are for bird identification and stargazing.

    – Although the iPhone doesn’t have Web filtering built-in, it does have parental controls where you can set limits on music and video ratings, making purchases, etc. You can use that feature to completely disable the Safari Web browser then replace it with a browser that offers filtering.

    – The basic iPhone plan is $80 a month. That includes 500 minutes of voice and unlimited data use. The iPod Touch is another alternative that works just like the iPhone and runs the same software. It just doesn’t have the phone and the GPS features but there is no monthly fee. It can still work online but you are limited to doing so where you can get Wifi rather than anywhere with cell coverage.


    Oh, we love the stargazing one!  We’re in the process of moving to Colorado!  It’s amazing up in the mountains!!!


    I just got my iPhone in August because we took a 3 week roadtrip to Texas and my dh wanted the compass/navigation feature. I don’t know how I ever got along without it!  I first got the iTouch back in December but it didn’t have internet access and I just used it for calendar/organizer stuff.  Now my husband uses the iTouch and we can sync all of our calendars without having to type everything in.  I am NOT a techy and I am definitely an “ink and paper” gal too-I can’t even stand e-books!  🙂  I don’t have many apps but I do have a complete study Bible, lots of classic books to read, and great pdcasts.  I definitely love the fact that I can have my SCM planner with me wherever I go!  Unfortunately, I don’t know how much the service costs since my dh does our finances also. 

    I will have to check out those great apps-thanks!




    i also jumped on the bandwagon this summer.  My dh has wanted me to get one for over a year and I kept saying “not necessary”.  Since we spent the summer in NYC it made travel so easy – I had instant access to a GPS and it would tell me what subway to get on – etc.  I still don’t use it in all the ways I hope but it is GREAT!!! 


    My dh and I both have iPhones, and I don’t think we could live without it. I’ll probably repeat what some of the others have said about it, but I can show you how helpful it’s been in hsing and for other things.

    I use the calendar feature a lot. One thing I love about the calendar is that you can easily program your phone to give you a reminder 1 day or 2 days or whatever before a scheduled event. That really helps me not to forget that my daughter has ballet every Thursday evening. It reminds me the night before!

    Another feature my dh loves is the free Kindle app. He doesn’t like reading “real” books much, but will read anything off his phone. He was browsing the free books the other day, and Pride and Prejudice was one of the books he can download for free! There were other CM friendly books on there as well.

    The iPhone also has a built-in iPod. This is probably my favorite feature because I love to be able to listen to my praise music wherever I am.

    Dh and I both love the Google map.

    As far as filters go, there aren’t any. You can, however, easily set a password on your phone so that no one can open it to access anything, including texting, internet, music, audio books, etc.

    Another thing I love is the Notes feature. Whenever I need to “write down” a grocery list, or a recommended book title, or an email address, I can put it in the notes and it is saved indefinitely. The notes are also dated automatically.

    Dh and I also have the Bible application on our iPhones. I love this app because I can easily look up any Scripture wherever I am, in whatever translation I want.

    Although we don’t allow them to do this much, I like that I have games like checkers and Hangman on my phone so my kids can play them if I am in a waiting room or waiting in line somewhere. I don’t play them much either, but it’s nice for the kiddos whenever I need some quick entertainment!

    Another app that dh and I both have is a voice recorder. I have been known to drive down the road, recording myself as I list off groceries! It would also be handy in recording a narration so you could transcribe it later.

    I think Doug put it best when he said it’s like a “pocket computer.” Really, just about anything you can do on your home computer, you can do on your iPhone. My dh has even installed a Microsoft Word app on mine so that I can open Word document attachments from email, edit them, and send them back (because I also do some freelance editing).

    I’m not very techy, so dh takes care of all the installations, updating, syncing, etc. 

    It would be cool if our friends at SCM could develop an SCM app for iPhone. Hint, hint. Wink Just thought I’d throw that out there…



    The only downside to my iPhone is when I am on the road, I can’t post on this forum.  Cry


    I still read everything you guys post, though!  I just have to wait until I get back home to post.

    Doug Smith

    @Cindie2dds, I just fixed that. Thanks for the motivation. 🙂

    (Posted from my iPhone.)

    Doug Smith

    @LindseyD, What did you have in mind?

    It would be cool if our friends at SCM could develop an SCM app for iPhone.

    Lesley Letson

    I am so jealous of all my iPhone friends! We live in a rural area where only verizon works most of the time, so we’re holding out. Rumor has it that it may be released as early as this next year to other providers, so we’re keeping our fingers crossed!

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