spelling wisdom

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  • chocodog

    Do you have your child/children look at the spelling wisdom words before you have them write them out for their last time?

    Sonya Shafer

    Dictate only after the children are sure they know how to spell every word and you are sure they know how to spell every word. You can do a spot check before dictating to double check any words they have been working on and make sure they know those words before doing the dictation. If they can’t spell those words orally or on the board or something like that, take more time to study.


    I let my son identify any words he doesn’t know and then write them on a piece of paper before the actual dictation. He did a dictation exercise on Tuesday in which he identified two words he was unsure of: catches and poultry. He wrote both words out on the scrap paper, and then I asked him if he was sure he was ready for the exercise. He said he was, so I began dictating. He ended up misspelling poultry–“poltry”–an easy mistake. So, I suppose it still happens that they make mistakes even after you and they are sure they’re ready for the exercise. I promptly used a small Post-It to cover the word, and after getting over his upset, he correctly spelled “poultry” on the Post-It. He hates having the Post-Its littering his papers, so he really gives his best effort to spell and punctuate correctly. I don’t take the Post-Its off, so they remain on the page, even after the exercise is over; and he keeps all his dictation pages in a notebook.


    I know my son is on the young-edge of dictation (turns 9 very soon…) – and we haven’t started them yet.  However, he doesn’t seem to know how to spell anything.  I have this year suggested that he try to do his copywork 1 word at a time (ie, look at the word he is about to write – picture it in his mind, then write it (without going letter by letter) – but he is saying that he can’t.

    This is one area I have really started worrying about.  I know that we don’t do things the school way for reasons – and the CM way of doing this sounds so good…. but he is so resistant of writing anything (other than copywork) now… whereas if he had been going to PS, he would be at least used to the idea of writing down things…..

    I’m hoping to start Spelling Wisdom with him soon – but even the first couple of passages look like they will be too hard…..


    suzukimom, my boys are just a bit older than yours and I wanted to offer encouragement. They went to public school until 3rd and 4th grade. Now they are 5th and 6th grade. They are just now really grasping spelling and writing. I don’t think your son would be any better off if he had been to PS, actually he could be worse off. Writing, reading, and spelling was always a struggle for them as they were both diagnosed with dyslexia (different forms) when they were young (around 6) and have had many years of frustration, which is part of the reason I pulled them out of PS. I was so worried; however, in the last year they have been improving rapidly. I have heard that it can be common for boys to be a bit older than girls when things finally start to click. 

    They both struggled with focusing on 1 letter at a time, rather than an entire word. One thing that actually helped us with that is starting cursive. In cursive all the letters are connected, so it puts the word together visually, rather than seeing a bunch of letters. They are taking a lot more pride in their work and want to show it to their father and anyone else who will look. 

    I cannot even tell you how difficult writing was for them and spelling was atrocious! However, we have made great progress. It isn’t an overnight fix but I’m so grateful for the improvement.

    We did use Spelling Wisdom a little bit last spring. This year I asked my boys what they prefer, Spelling Wisdom or a spelling list. They both asked for a spelling list. I have them use the words in sentences and play games on spellingcity.com (which is free). I do plan to go back to Spelling Wisdom when they’re older and am still using it for the girls (both in 7th). Since they asked for the spelling list and I’m seeing great improvements in their attitudes and abilities, I don’t feel bad about it at all. 

    If you decide that you’d like any more detail on how were using the spelling list and how I determine words for the list, feel free to PM me. 



    With dd8, I take any words in a passage she may not know and she learns them Spell to Write and Read style. Then she uses the passage for copywork and we review any punctuation rules that apply. Then she writes the passage from dictation. 


    Does anyone check the punctuation and capitalization?  Does everyone just correct the spelling? Hoe far should we go?  I have been wondering about this and soes this become a grammar lesson also?

                         Thoughts, comments, ?  Thanks everyone


    chocodog, I do check punctuation and capitalization and encourage ds to take note of these prior to the dictation exercise. If he punctuates incorrectly during the exercise, I have him correct those errors at the end of the dictation. I do try to dictate naturally with the punctuation, changing the tone and pitch of my voice for exclamations or questions, pausing naturally for commas, and coming to a full stop for periods. I suppose you can take it as far as you feel comfortable doing or as far as your child is comfortable with. I think it’s just as important for the child to see the dictation exercise similarly to a picture study–to know it so well that he can see it in his mind’s eye.


    I check punctuatiion, capitalization, and spelling. The girls know that it should be exactly the same as the original.


    Thanks! That answered my questions. I will defineatly work on all the above with them.

                 Thanks everyone for your help!  Blessings to you all.


    We also include the title and author or reference, along with capitalization and punctuation.

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