Went on another bear hunt yesterday and ended up at the park, where a little girl WOULD NOT play with or even around my dd. My dd is pretty tough skinned…but this child was rude and had issues…told my daughter not to follow her, not to jump…said she owned the park. I explained to my inexperienced daughter that that was NOT true. Anyways after several very rude and even mean interactions, my daughter ran into the trees to cry. not her normal ignoring of it… i hate going to the park…it is hit or miss as to the kind of experience. the previous time she had a blast and played with several different children.
we live in the boonies y’all…and there just aren’t a lot of children at our church…
and then there are children who want to play closer by, but the girls dress so….ummmm…..look we are very conservative…and a girl in skin tight boy shorts and a tight too short tank is just not ok with us…it is not modest…not even counting the attitudes, disrespect, and other issues …including conversations about who’s kid is who’s, who’s divorced, etc. (the oldest in this group is 9)
i’m freaking out…but i don’t know how to stop it–respectfully and still be a christian witness (judge not lest ye be judged!)…yet the influences ….argh…and then i don’t want the children to be completely isolated…my daughter so wants friends to play with and such…
being a homeschooled person myself…i know that the whole socialization weirdness of the world is hype…but it is breaking my heart to watch my child so desperate for interaction…
how do you find balance?
p.s. i’ve tried the homeschool group in the area last fall at the park…my daughter did find one girl to play with …but i have four littles…leaving the house for a bunch of non-essentials…is well…not happening! And the winter here is so long, park days are rare anyways and the girl lived out of town.
How old is your dd? I think that makes a big difference in “needing” social stuff outside of the home. If she has four little siblings, in just a few years they will be her playmates and best friends. I have learned that what I “thought” my child needed was really just that..what I thought. 🙂 Now that my kids are older, circumstances and life have changed and relationships outside of family have evolved over the years. Park days and little social outings are great things, but for our family it was not easy to keep doing that after the kids get older and I kept having babies. I am not saying we shouldn’t socialize, but just keep in perspective that in the long run it will be mostly our family members that remain our closest companions. If, by God’s grace we can help our children establish that closeness in their sibling relations, what a blessing that will be for them in their adult years!
I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this! What is it with parks/playgrounds!? We deal with the SAME thing! We found mean kids on playgrounds in the States and now here in France. My DS is 3yo and we live in an apartment with no yard so he needs to get out. Sometimes the mean kids make the whole trip a waste. I try to counsel my DS through each episode but it’s HARD to know what to do. What *is* the correct response so that he doesn’t end up being a doormat or going the other way and “over”-defending himself!? Sigh. I hate it! I guess I want to protect him from others’ meanness but I can’t. 🙁
What I have found as an alternative is going to a friend’s house where he can play with those kids. Somehow in that context the other kids remain nice. And he makes *real* connections. I guess they’re not having to jockey for position or conquer public property as their own. Anyway, that’s a good alternative for us although we only know a couple families where this is possible so it’s rare and I have to get him out daily or he’ll go stir-crazy.
My only relief now is that he can’t understand the French kids’ mean comments like he could understand the American kids’ comments before. Goodness.
I do wonder if your DD gets enough interaction right now with siblings and enough outside time at home. The dynamics on a playground (park) remind me of public school recess. Who needs our kids exposed to that sort of thing!? We can’t shield them from the fact the world is harsh, fallen, sinful, and that sometimes people are mean – but – don’t they find that out soon enough in more natural, less intense ways? I, for one, am thankful that *the real world* is nothing like a playground or public school!
I sure hope you find something that works and I look forward to see how others have handled these types of situations!
Very sound advice from simple home. I just want to chime in that I know what you mean about the bad influences, even at church. I don’t know the answer for you, but we had a similar incident at the park. Ours doesn’t sound as harsh as yours, but I used it as a learning experience and told my daughter that the other girl had the wrong attitude. We need to be kind to others, even when they are not kind to us. I told my little girl that God made her special and that the other girl is missing out on a good friendship by not wanting to play with her. Even in the adult world, I still encounter that girl at the playground who doesn’t want to “play”. I wouldn’t let it stop my park days, but be sure she knows how loved and special she is, even if that little girl doesn’t think so. At this young of age, most kids make friends at the playground easily. There is that one or two you have to deal with…and, unfortunately, always will. These kids at the park probably aren’t going to turn into lasting relationships, but it’s nice to enteract with other kids. As simple home said, closeness in sibling relations are very important for a lifetime.
i did redirect her to her brothers…the closest in age is 3 1/2 years younger–almost 4.
there are 4 children so far
i agree that sibling relationships are the permanent ones–not the park ones
as we were leaving and she was still so sad about the interactions…i told her that there are two types of girls (obviously simplified!) the ones like nellie olsen and the ones like laura ingalls and that you get to choose which kind of girl you are going to be…(she loves little house)…and that unfortuneately that girl chose nellie. She thought about it for a moment and visibly perked up…Mommy, I’m going to be more like a Larua Ingalls!
if she had of said nellie…i’d have a prob! LOL
thank you for the support…it is diifficult in this age to be in the world but not of the world and protect/shelter…and yet prepare as well to continue the “fight”
the lack of modesty is particlarly concerning as it is so close to home and we can’t get away from it…except to deny contact (which is also difficult)…unless i actually broach it with the parents yikes i really hesitate to do that for several reasons.
I agree with all of the previous posts. I especially like what SarahPA said about letting your child know how special she is, and that the other child is missing out on a special friend.
I do want to add, however, that I do not think it is blowing our Christian witness if we correct a child who is mistreating our child (or another child). When I say correct, I mean saying something like, “That’s not a very respectful way to speak to someone, do you think you could speak more kindly to _____? It truly honors God when we treat one another with kindness.” This happened at the park with us about a month ago. My kids were playing nicely together and some other bigger kids came running up on the playground. One of them decided it would be funny to spin the carousel and not let my youngest (4) on. I mean purposefully, when she’d try to get on the girl would turn the carousel then stop, mine would try to get on and the girl would turn the carousel and stop. The third time I said please don’t do that, she’d like to get on. The girl looked at me, terrified that I’d even spoken to her, and let my child get on the carousel and then played with her on the carousel nicely.
I share that to say, I know we can’t rescue our children from all hurtful things, but as representatives of the One who is the Defender of the fatherless and the widow, I think it is okay to speak out when we see something wrong or when we see someone, anyone, mistreated. In so doing, we teach our children to do the same.
I know how hard this situation is, and even though our girls are now young adults it is still hard to find people with enough in common for them to be close friends with. We had similar problems to you in the young years and in the teen years – we moved a lot with the military and that was not conducive to long friendships and also our daughters have always walked to a different drummer. We are a Christian home, but not super conservative, however we have always had a moral code and the girls grew up with little or no tv just videos now and then. They did travel a lot throughout Europe and saw a lot of geography and history, but the friendship thing was always problematic. There years in PS taught them that they were into different things, when other kids were talking boys and makeup and the latest pop star, they wanted to discuss animals and nature and their latest book – they were made fun of no end and it was not easy for them – I noticed through those years up to mid 5th grade that the special needs kids always gravitated toward them and in turn our daughters protected them from the bullies. Our girls always one the most helpful and the most kind kid award, ha. Once out of school we had many discussions about friendships and the fickleness of youngsters. Was it hard for them to have few friends, yes – but they are now at the point where they are very good at recognising people who are genuine and decent and who have good morals and they avoid the situations where people are less so. They still retain their enthusiasm for travel, music and nature and animals are still their passion – horses and dogs. I have worried many times about the isolation they have experienced over the years, but then I reminded myself that I did not stay in touch with any of the friends I had in high school, we all went our separate ways and our lives became so different there was nothing in common anymore..on reflection I realised that the school playground forced us together in many ways, and once we were out of that environment we found little to relate to together. My best friends have all been made since I was 20 and I still have my very best friend who I met when I was 21 – she sadly for me lives in Australia, but we talk on the phone and hope to see each other again one day. My other dear friend died when she was 40, but those friendships meant and mean more than any relationship I made in school. I am aware that some lifelong friendships are made in PS, but my point is that if you miss that experience it makes little difference later on – I am glad the girls missed most of the bullying (gets worse after 5th grade and we removed them from PS before that) and did not have to try and fight off the urge to run with the crowd. Now they are young adults they are also glad that they have been raised in the way they have been, and do not lament those years where friends were hard to find. A lot of the girls who are their age now, are still not girls they would want to hang out with – it is all boys, makeup, fashion and stuff they have little or no interest in – so they enjoy their activities – riding and the new puppy we have. Also one daughter regularly goes to the local zoo to classes and there she meets lots of different ages who enjoy what she does. I know it pains us when we see our children hurt – but in the big picture of God’s plan for us, it is perhaps one of those brief lessons we must learn so that our children can discern the genuine friend and so they can learn how to be a good friend themselves to others. I like it that your daughter chose Laura rather than Nellie, that puts her firmly on the right track. We need to know not all people are nice, and that perhaps they struggle because they do not have happy stable homes or perhaps parents are too busy to teach them the right way to behave – in some cases the parent was never taught themselves – so we should have compassion and understanding, but we do not necessarily want our children to be in their company. In time all those things will be understood by your children and they will find people who are true and good. Sorry this is rambling a bit, I am in a hurry thismorning. Linda
I wouldn’t let rude children deter us from using the fun playthings at the park. I would simply remind my children of what is expected of them and that they always have the choice of how to respond. They may play something different, politely ask to be included or simply ignore the rude behavior.
I whole-heartedly agree with Heather. I have NO problem correcting other people’s children in love and have done so many, many times. Typically the offending child responds well to being corrected by an “outsider” while occasionally the mother of the offending child gets offended. An example would be use of the slide. I’ve never allowed my kids to climb the slide at the park, but they must climb the steps and slide down as intended. Other kids frequently climb the slide while mine wait patiently at the top. I will then gently say to the slide climber, “Could you please use the steps, other kids are waiting patiently for their turn.” This usually fixes the problem.
If another child is being mean and saying hurtful things, I would address that child with his parents. Perhaps the mom is unaware for some reason like being out of earshot. Even if she is aware, being called on it can have a positive effect. In my opinion, ignoring the poor behavior is a bit like enabling. There are times to avoid and turn away and times to confront – all in love, mind you. This isn’t to be judgmental, but rather a good witness for the Lord as we set a good example to those around us. I should say that I’ve had both positive and negative reactions from parents when I’ve done this, but nevertheless, I’ve done what I felt the Lord would have me to do in that situation. A negative example – at the local pool, a child was “sharing” my dd’s toys and when we were preparing to leave, I asked the little boy to return the small toy (nothing special). He protested LOUDLY! His mother proceeded to say something like, “Little Johnny really likes that toy. Could I buy it from you?” To which I responded, “No, I’m sorry. You many not.” The other mother was annoyed and said to her son in a very sarcastic tone, “Johnny, the lady wants her toy back so I’m sorry you have to give it to her.” He threw it down and they both stomped off. This became a teachable moment for my kids of exactly what rude behavior looks like and why we don’t want to behave that way.
I find that many of today’s parents want the easy way and they mistakenly believe that allowing their kids to behave as they please when they are young will miraculously change as they get older. Our family has chosen to be intentional in how we raise our kids. We choose the hard work now of correcting and training so that we may enjoy these small people as they grow.
In the case of modesty, this one is extremely difficult to deal with at times because unless you are a hermit, you will be exposed to it. I’ve taught and continue to teach my kids that they must guard their eyes as we cannot control what others choose to wear. This works better in some situations that others. It is difficult to guard one’s eyes at a public pool, but that is when we discuss WHY we choose not to dress a certain way and remind the kids that other families are responsible for their own choices before the Lord. This one is never fully resolved as there are even children at church dressed inappropriately by our standards. We’ve simply chosen that we will uphold our standards by dressing in ways that meet them, turning our eyes away when possible (ads, tv, billboards, etc) and setting examples where we can (at the pool, for instance). It simply isn’t possible to avoid all immodesty. A side note, if this were a child whose family I knew well, I would probably have a frank discussion with the parents about the choice of clothing, too.
So what would you all suggest your child do in the situation of a child keeping your child off a toy by “claiming” it, telling your child to go away, or making scary gestures and sounds to scare your child off? Mind you my son is 3 and the “offending” party is usually 3-5. I usually tell him to just play on something else until that item is free. Then I tell him that it was wrong and not nice of that other child and that we can’t “make” someone be nice to us. We can only choose who to be around and who not to. I also tell him that we will just move on, play with someone nicer and go to a better area of the playground. He has said that these behaviors of other children make him feel “not happy”. We then talk about (and validate) his feelings. I have told him that it doesn’t have anything to do with him really when he asks why the child didn’t want to play with him. Now if a child tries to push my son off the item he’s on to take it from him I will correct the other child. I guess I’m slightly afraid of offending another child’s mother so I always hate to correct someone else’s child but would do it in extreme circumstances.
Anyway, am I allowing him to be too passive or are we handling it okay?
Obviously, this is a hot topic; we all deal with it because we live in society, not caves LOL. I usually stay away from this subject in large groups because I have very strong opinions on the subject. Here are my bullet points:
*We are not responsible for anyone’s actions but our own. Therefore, we cannot make someone be kind, but we can choose to be kind.
*If a child (or adult-another HOT topic for me) is rude or threatening or downright mean to my child, I will say something. I’ve been in a situation where I did not say something to the person who was rude to my daughter (the offending person was an adult in that situation) and I felt that I wronged my daughter…it left a huge impression on me, one that I won’t forget. These are our children. We are to steward them as our most precious responsibilities because, well, they are!
*I will not correct another person’s child in their parents’ presence unless that child’s safety is at stake. If I see something the mother doesn’t that includes my child, I will make him/her aware of it, and hopefully we can fix it. If they choose not to correct, I will remove my child. This is personal to me, and I won’t “dissertate” on it, but I feel very strongly about this point. As mentioned above and in other posts, our children are ours to steward, and their children are theirs to steward.
*Modesty is an issue of the heart; it starts inward. Therefore, when we are around others who flaunt themselves or who fall into the category of “bondage to the masses” as we call it, our first order of business should be prayer for the heart of that person, and secondly for the Holy Spirit to move in their lives, prompting them toward holiness and pleasing their Father before man (or society, as it were). Many times it’s not willful disobedience, but ignorance based on blindness because, well, “this ain’t Eden”.
*We have to choose our battles. If you know the child and/or family well, consider their place in life spiritually. We cannot reasonably expect new Christians to act like mature Christians any more than we can expect our children to behave like well brought up adults, ‘cuz they’re still in the bringing up part. Simplistically, I work from Macro to Micro. Big, obvious issues first, and gently, and move from there.
Blessing to all of you. We’re fighting the great fight with our children. That’s our job and our privilage, and these battles are tough, but standing for and with our children allows us to be the champions they need us to be for them in this stage of their lives.
Please take these “bullets” as another opinion, not condemnation to any opposing views-this community is precious to me, and I’m so glad we get to work these things out together.
So….as Forrest Gump would say, “…that’s all I have to say about that.”
Have similar feelings to Lilylou on the topic of taking on another parent. I would only intervene if safety was an issue – but if I felt safety was an ongoing issue at the park we were at, I would cease to go there. I want to mix with kind and gentle people. When the girls were small we often found this at public parks, so we would either go at a time of day when it was quiet, or would play on equipment that the less than pleasing kids were on. It is difficult, but I cannot intervene in someone elses way of raising their kids, that is for them to decide much as I would like to say something…however I have intervened when the situation has been dangerous, and also with kids whose parents we know well. I hope always that my daughters gentle and nice behavior will be a model to some of the parents I see who have out of control and rude children – I know it is not likely, but that is as far as I will go. Linda
Thank you everyone. This was such a burden to me as I was going to bed last night–and when I went to bed no one had as of yet posted…and I thought maybe no one would. THANK you SO much for your comments. It has helped me clarify things in my mind…and given me some permissions as it were…and also some cautions.
Great minds think alike…I used Laura and Nellie as an example too the other day with my 8 year old dd! Must be a CM thing or something. Lol. 🙂
If I had to choose one thing to say about an unruly child at the park, it would be to remember the proverb “A soft answer turneth away wrath.” Pleasantly and gently acknowledging a behavior problem is not wrong, and sometimes it is needed if someone’s emotions is getting out of hand.
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